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Hi everyone!!

Its been a long four weeks here. We have sold our home and are in a new home with my parents. We are hoping this situation will help evryone. My father is paralyzed from a stroke and my mom is having hip surgery in two weeks and could hardly take care of my dad. We didn't want to put them in a nursing home so since I don't work we decided this would be our best bet. This way we can all just help each other. Amazingly enuf my dads spirits helps us all the best. He lays in that bed. Unable to move yet has a smile and something positive to say no matter what mood your in. He doesn't want much, just his coffee and a little conversation through out the day. Can you imagine??

I no longer feel sorry for myself as I have the last couple of years. But that doesn't make my symptoms any less. Lately I get this weird feeling like someone just sucked the blood out of me. It knocks me to the floor and takes several hours to get through this. Anyone else have this???

I am seeing a new doctor tomorrow. They have opened up a Cardiac/Electophysiologist in my area and I am game for anything. I usually see Grubb but haven't been able to reschedule my appointment since his illness. Am hoping she may have some new ideas....

I also haven't been able to get rid of any of the weight I gained on Lexapro. Anyone following any kind of diet you'd like to share???



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Hi Sue,

Just wanted to let you know that it was uplifting to read your post about your dad keeping up such a positive attitude. I hope the new arrangements work out for all of you.

I can definately relate to the blood being sucked out feeling, but unfortunately I don't have any suggestions to help. Lying down is the only thing that works. As for the weight gain, the only thing I can suggest is to try an SSRI that does not cause your appetite to increase. Maybe Cymbalta. It is a new one. Sorry I couldn't help more. Take care,


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