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What Happens To You If You Stand A Long Time Without Fainting?

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I have tried to increase the amount of time I could stand(without fainting or feeling close to it) over the past year. I had gotten up to 35-45 minutes before I started to have unbearable symptoms(lightheaded, shivering, pain in my feet & difficulty thinking) . A few days ago I was forced to stand at a meeting with some neighbors about an important issue. It was over 100 degrees out but I was drinking my powerade, and for part of the time leaning on a gate. I stood for almost 2 hours! The scary problem was went I went to walk my legs were like lead weights and reduced sensation . I literally could not walk at first. I felt embaressed and had no idea what to say or how to walk home (which was a few houses away). Luckily my husband came back and gave me a piggyback ride home. My feet were slightly bluish reddish but no moreso then when I take a shower. It took a day of rest to feel like I could walk again but my muscles have been twitching(upper leg).

Was this circulation related or muscle weakness? I think what freaked me out the most is it reminded of my family members that has ALS. Currently I have lost my voice due to muscle issues and after being frozen, unable to walk it was very scary. I'm just curious what happens to others when they stand and do not faint. I'm kind of scared to try and replicate my experience unless maybe if I went back to PT.

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Sorry you went through that. Most people get some stiffness..etc..when standing in one position. Probably worse for us. I think you would notice things less episodically if it were something else. I have not stood that long in one place. When standing to long I get weak, nauseous, pounding heart, an overall terrible feeling.Have to sit but doesn't resolve very fast. always try to get back to the car and head home. Happened to me at a store on Sunday. I always want to at least try to go with my husband once in a while..then...depressing. Hope you are feeling better now!

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I sweat a lot, feel sick to my stomach, hard to think straight. Then I get exhausted afterward, and need to rest or sleep. I often wake up feeling like I'd run a race; sore, achey. I have occasionally gotten to the point where I needed assistance to walk or in a few rare instances, needed my ex to pick me up from work.

To avoid that stuff, if I know I'll be standing a long time, I will reluctantly wear my support hose (hate them). I also will wear my cooling vest if it's going to be over about 72 degrees.

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Wow - two hours! I am glad you didn't pass out.

I start sweating and then I turn all red and sweat worse and worse and get nauseated, panicky, etc. I try to take my own chair to anyplace I might have to stand (like the Veteran's Day parade, etc.).

One thing I think that might have helped was that the topic we were discussing (a problem with a the only rental house in our area) was very upsetting, so I think getting passionate and angry about the subject made my blood pressure rise? I know when I go to the school and sit through my kids orchestra performances I'm barely able to make it through an hour. If I go for an IEP meeting and Im fighting for my child's services thus rasing my BP for sure I have a longer threshold and can ususally last 2 hours seated.

I did feel like waves of fainting feeling but I so badly wanted my input to be heard since many important people where there. This was the one meeting that my inability to get to sleep and be up sometimes at 3,4, 5 am really helped.

The one missing issue was I usually get goosebumps and shivers if I stand too long. Even at 100, 110 outside if I stand up too long I have to wrap in a blanket. This 2 hour stand it really felt like I had no legs left!

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I think that over time since I was not diagnosed for a very long time after my symptoms started, I have actually started to adjust to the symptoms I get when standing. Like they are still there and have progressed to a degree but I started to tolerate them because everyone kept saying there was nothing wrong with me.

That said, I very rarely experience syncope upon standing (maybe 3 times in my life), but I do experience lightheadedness and dizzyness, I have more trouble thinking when I am standing up, and I do sometimes get "pre-syncope" symptoms, the main one i get is shaking very badly. I also get an upset stomach when I have been standing for a while.

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I get the tachy, sweating like it's pouring rain on me, shakey, feel like i'm going to fall down, vision blurs out, and if I take it longer than 10 minutes (still moving from side to side so I'm not standing completely still) I'm going to have to walk home or back to car and stop to sit on the way, most likely because my legs feel like jelly. If I push it to this point then I'm going to get a very severe breakthrough migraine. I will sit anywhere while waiting now if it takes longer than 10 minutes. Best place for me is on the floor with legs stretched out in front. I'm the crazy 57 year old plump lady sitting like a kid on the floor/ or ground because they are tired. Kid's are smart. Why stand when you can sit and rest?. And why give a darn about what anyone else thinks?

In the kitchen on days I can cook I cook in ten minute intervals. And go and have a rest after each ten minutes.

A handy thing to remember if for some reason you are caught having to stand for long periods is to do those isometric type exercises with your legs. Tense-ing muscles, winding one leg around the other and pushing together. I do this if I have to sit with feet down for any extended period as this will effect me much like stand does.

Generally, I walk much better than I stand, or sit up straight with legs down. Unless I'm having a real bad OI or dizzy day.


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