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Anyone With Pots Feel Feverish A Lot?

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Well, its not constantly. But I do have that sensation occasionally. I get really sweaty and clammy like I do with a fever but my temperature will be completely normal. People with POTS generally have trouble with temperature regulation as part of the whole dysautonomia thing so I figure that's why, but I suspect it also might be part of hyper-POTS which I still need to be tested for.

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Hi all,

Well this was happening to me, I would feel like I was sick, even get night sweats at times. I would swear I was fighting something but my temperature would never be high then the 99's. Then my colon ruptured and even with pertinitis and wbc in the 20,000s my temp only got to 100.2. When I wasn't feeling feverish, my temp would be in the low 97s, and occassionaly high 96s.

We eventually found out that I had an immune deficiency call CVID. When you have this at least one of your total quantitative immunnoglobulins will be abnormally low. My IGA was normal but my IGG was very low and my IGM was none.

When you have this condition you can not mount a normal defense when fighting off an infection. Fever is one of those defenses that helps you fight infection. I was unable to mount a normal fever and was walking around with low grade infections. Since starting ivig immunoglobulin replacement I rarely feel like I'm running a fever. I now have a standing cbc so that when I feel like I'm fighting and infection we check my wbc and if it's elevated I immediately get an antibiotic shot and continue until wbc is normal again. It's not perfect though because some infections like yeast and bv don't raise your wbc.

Not being able to produce a fever when you suspect you are sick is not normal, and can result in your physician not recognizing that you might actually be fighting something just because you don't have a fever.

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My normal temp is in the 97's and anything in the 99's makes me feel bad. Hitting like 101 feels like 105 to me. I have tracked 2 types of tempatures in the last year with no answers (and plenty of tests and bloodwork). One is my temp rises as the day goes on. By dinner time it is 2-3 degrees high then the morning. Also after I have a long day, usually at the hospital or a stressful day of lots of physical activity or a funeral my temp gets higher. There have been theories of auto-immune conditions or that my EDS causes vascular imflamation so as I become active (or as active I I can get) it causes my temp to rise.

The only thing that has made me the temps spike less is tons of sleep, which is a rare happening.

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I personally feel feverish quite often. Sometimes my temperature is normal but a majority of the time, I do have a low grade fever when I take it. However it doesn't feel like a low grade fever (99.9-100.2), it feels like a bad one. It was one of my first symptoms.

I was reading a journal article about Norepinephrine Transporter (NET) deficiency, and it said many with NET deficiency have a low body temperature.

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I have always run a low-grade fever (99-100.9) - it is part of the autoimmune dysfunction - problematic now because I have a pacemaker, central lines, and infusaport so, I'm supposed to go to the ER with a "fever" - also, I know a flare-up is coming on when I begin to ache all over, get a mild sore throat, and feel like I'm coming down with a cold or flu - so, I ignore temperature until it hits 101 and brace myself for a dysautonomia crisis when I start feeling malaise and achy......

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Thanks for the replies; interesting about the norepiniphrine transporter deficiency. I swear, living in a small country is the worst when it comes to rare disorders. We just don't have enough specialists; I don't know where I'd find someone to look into something like that.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My body temp is usually high 96 - low 97, so lower than normal. I feel feverish a lot, but then can suddenly feel freezing, particularly my hands and feet. The other night, the sound of my teeth chattering woke me up. I took my temp and it was 95.8 - only 8/10 of a degree away from medical hypothermia. I guess it is just POTS - temperature disregulation.

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