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Blood Pressure Readings In Right And Left Arm Very Different

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BP can change quite a lot from one minute to the other. You need to take a lot of readings over some time in order to see if there's a trend. Don't take the arms in the same order every time, that could affect the results too.

Were you lying flat or on your side?

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I agree with the other posters that this probably just an error - happens a lot with home BP cuffs. Also a lot of them specify that they were really designed to be used on one arm over the other.

BUT just in case you do consistently get such disparate readings and it doesn't seem to be an error, definitely tell your cardiologist because it can signal an underlying disorder. A few months ago a nurse made a mistake while taking mine in both arms and found a huge difference and everyone freaked out a bit. I don't remember exactly what it means - something about arterial disease.

Really try not to worry though, it's much more likely that it was a machine error, so just check again.

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Guest Alex

a consistently larger than 20 mmHg difference in BP when measured on both arms is consistent I believe with an aortic dissection - that is not something to joke about , but you would definitely not have been able to type this post if that were the case for you ;) . At the same time the BP associated with this condition is extremely high - we're talking 200+ mmHg here.

I'd repeat the measurements several times before jumping to any conclusions.

Let us know how things are.


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when I worked in the oncology clinic one of the nurses told me that it was not abnormal to have different BP readings in each arm.....she said they only worry when there is a large difference like 20 points or something......... my arm readings are always completely different ;)


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