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Midodrine 'crashes'


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Hi everyone.

I'm new to the forum. I have dysautonomia (OI, GP, likely IST, can't thermoregulate) secondary to EDS and Complex Regional Pain Syndrome.

I've been on midodrine for a long time for the OI... I'm largely reliant on a wheelchair anyway because of the CRPS and associate , but without the midodrine I'm almost bed-bound because I faint as soon as I'm upright. I actually fainted and fell while transferring from bed to chair a couple of years ago and fractured my spine in multiple places.

Question is - some four hours or so after taking the midodrine, I 'crash'. I get very tired, very cold and shaky, my heart races more than normal. Does anyone else experience this?


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Yes, midodrine only lasts 4-5 hours max, so I would imagine most people who take midodrine experience the crash after it wears off. It seems the average dosage is 2-3 times a day for this reason.

I can do anything when the med is in my system, but when my third pill of the day wears off it is time for me to relax and stay sitting

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Typically I can feel the dose wearing off after about 3- 3 1/2 hours. The last pill of the day was the worst- that one was like taking a nose-dive. After a while I got used to it and it wasn't so bad... but my system seems to adjust to Midodrine in general. I can only be on a certain dose for so long before it becomes less effective and needs to be increased for me to continue seeing the same benefits.

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