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Blue Veins In Hands


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The veins in my hands and wrists get really bright when I am standing, especially in the shower or at night when my Mididrine has worn off. Do you think this is because of pooling or high BP? Also, do you think it is a bad sign that this particular symptom has gotten worse over the past couple of months?

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THis is one of my only remaining consistent symptoms. I don't think it's a bad thing. I'm functioning at 95% (the last month or so). I was thinking it was the last symptom to correct itself before I make full recovery (wishful thinking).... as my blood vessels re-learn their job of properly timing vasoconstriction/dilation.

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Not sure if this is similar to what you're talking about but when I get hot the veins in my hands look huge and bulging and of course blue (in fact, you can see all the veins in my body, I'm very pale skinned). And it's weird because I thought hot weather and showers caused vasoconstriction, is that true? I've thought it's weird for my veins to look huge when I was hot.

It could very likely be from blood pooling, not sure about the blood pressure.

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Mine bulge and are very blue. I don't think it's high BP because it happens even when my BP is very low. If I life up my hands it goes away quickly...of course I can't spend all day with my hands in the air :).

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The veins in my hands and lower arms bulge and look very blue when I'm n the shower and when I get hot. I find it is worse when my arms are down by my sides. I also get a sensation of building pressure and sometimes I'm able to feel my pulse 'beating' in my hands when this happens. I am not sure what causes it, but similar to Angelloz, if I lift my hands/arms up it all settles down again quickly.

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