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Vaccines are designed to ramp-up your immune system. My theory is that anytime the immune system is tampered with, anything can happen! It is well known that vaccines do save lives and the majority of people do fine with them. There are some of us, however, that do not handle vaccines very well. What is needed is a test that can identify the people that are likely to have major complications from vaccines. I don't know if this would be a genetic-related test or an immune antibody-related test. It just seems that it would be prudent to research and develop this type of testing. If indeed many of our dysautonoma conditions are brought on by certain illnesses or vaccines that trigger an abnormal antibody response, then this type of testing potentially could save a lot of people from serious diseases and help lower our booming health-care costs!


Vaccines are designed to ramp-up your immune system. My theory is that anytime the immune system is tampered with, anything can happen! It is well known that vaccines do save lives and the majority of people do fine with them. There are some of us, however, that do not handle vaccines very well. What is needed is a test that can identify the people that are likely to have major complications from vaccines. I don't know if this would be a genetic-related test or an immune antibody-related test. It just seems that it would be prudent to research and develop this type of testing. If indeed many of our dysautonoma conditions are brought on by certain illnesses or vaccines that trigger an abnormal antibody response, then this type of testing potentially could save a lot of people from serious diseases and help lower our booming health-care costs!




I did not get the H1N1, but the regular seasonal flu vaccine in Oct. 2010. 4 days later, I had terrible arm pain that made it's way down my arm over the next two months that eventually settled into numbness/tingling in my index and middle fingers. Was finally diagnosed with degenerative discs in my neck (C5-C7).

I started having numbness and tingling in my face this past November and eventually over the months, have been diagnosed with dysautonomia.

A co-worker of mine is convinced that the flu shot started the whole thing. There will never be any way to prove it, but I am suspicious of it at least!


no connection between vaccinations and pots, for me.

I had a whooping cough vaccine a couple of months before my granddaughter was born but I checked with my allergist first. She said that it should be okay as it was not a 'live' vaccine. And I was okay, just felt a little off for a couple of days afterwards.

However, I have not had a flu vaccine since I was diagnosed with pots 7 or so years ago. I believe they are 'live' vaccines and have just had a gut feeling that I should avoid them.

However, I'm in Australia and apparently we are in for a huge flu season and I'm going to see my allergist to see if she thinks it's a good or bad idea to have one and and if indeed they are 'live' vaccines. It's a toss up, possibly get sicker from vaccine or sicker IF I catch the flu. Essentially, up until now, I have been gambling that I don't get the flu each winter season and so far I've been right. Perhaps that's in line with the theory that our immune systems don't recognize viruses etc until they start to get better -- or so I've read.



Well, it's thought that POTS is often triggered by a virus so it makes sense that vaccines carrying viruses could bring it on. I am very against vaccines for a few reason's (even though I've had many), this just gives me another reason to object to them.


def my opinion that vaccines trigger pots and other issues in some people. gave my son flu shot last year, will never do it again. I am ordered to give him the other multitudes of vaccines via the law in the U.S. and that is the only reason why I do it. He is not due for more vaccines for 1/2 year and it kinda terrifies me. don't understand why U.S. and I think it is Korea? (don't remember whether north or south) enforce the highest (and significantly higher) vaccinations compared to all the other countries. I really have found no good explanation other than politics power money.


I had a seasonal flu vaccine that caused my arm to be totally useless for a week right before I got POTS (couldn't even open the car door/lift a laptop). Just another possible trigger.


My daughter is due (over due, actually) for some vaccines and I am a little anxious about it. I know that they are important, but you hear about side effects. Plus, my brother and grandfather both are allergic to tetanus. She had hers when she was a baby and was ok, but that is one of the boosters she needs. Plus, she is a mini me, and I already worry about her getting POTS, like me. :(


Just putting this out there... My oldest son was almost taken out by H1N1 a few years ago. He got the virus, then the complicated pneumonia behind it - the one that was killing people. He was in the hospital almost a month, lost 30 lbs and had to have chest surgery twice. Our whole family gets the flu vaccine now. (The normal flu vaccine now contains H1N1 as well.)

I understand that some people have reluctance to immunizations, but as a Mom who almost watched my child die from something I could have prevented with an immunization, I say they have their place. I never want to go through that again.


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