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Some Improvement In Climbing Stairs But Now Needing A Walking Stick When I Walk -- Again


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7 months ago we moved to a new house where I have to use a flight of 19 stairs many times a day. I started off slow and don't exactly run up them now but I don't get any tachy from climbing them now. I feel quite strong when climbing those stairs -- so improvement there.

When we moved in here I was not daunted by the stairs (which have been a problem for me) because my walking and standing had improved so much. However, I'm almost back to square one when it comes to walking. Mostly I need my cane now and a walk to the shops which takes most people about 5 -10 minutes takes double that for me. And I get very tachy and can feel pulse points in different parts of my body throbbing wildly. I hate the sensatation. It's a slight walk uphill and downhill coming home but both make me feel bad. Stopping to pick up a few things from the shopand standing in line is ****, again. I feel like I'm going to fall over very quickly now. And have now started using my cane agaIN which helps a bit but not much. I arrive home in sweat soaked clothes with a pretty elevated heart beat. Just having to stand to open my front door with a key is the last bit of torture before I get inside to the lounge and collapse on it. I'm not back to actualyl falling down but I sure feel like I'm close. I'm hoping that the intense summer heat we've had in Australia this year has been the trigger for my backslide in this area. It's cooler today but I know it's going to take a few cooler days and nights to feel better. I'm worried that I'm not going to feel better.

When I was first diagnosed with pots about 7 years ago I experienced an improvement in some symptoms -- the walking and the standing -- although the migraines, the allergies/food chemical intolerances, bowel problems (constipation -- severe), flushing etc, brain fog, etc have mostly gotten worse. But With some on-off improvement with bowel problems.

I'm so **** tired of the fear that my walking problems getting worse again And Im back to not being able to stand for long in one place. eg. the day before Christmas eve I started cookiung desserts for Christmas day, Standing bought on a migraine. Christmas eve I cooked more with a killer migraine. So Christmas day was spent trying to smile through migraine and intermittently excusing myself so I could go upstairs and rest (sitting up -- I can't' work out why sitting up with a migraine is better than lying down -- it used to be the other way round and is strange given that I have to recline to eat or I get terrible gut pain and that sitting, normaly, for an extended period of time can bring on a migraime?????)

All so weird - especially that sitting upright for extended period of time can bring on breakthough migraine pain but when I get a migraine I have to do just that?????


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I am sorry you are having a rough time. I am the exact opposite, I can walk fine, but I cannot do more than 3 stairs and I begin to feel extremely awful. No explanation for it. In fact, most of my doctors act like I don' know what I am talking about. Hopefully, the cooler weather will help you.

Do you have any neck problems? Just wondering if something there is causing the change in your migraines?

Wish you better days soon.

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Hi Joann,

Yes to the neck problems. When I was in my late teens I had an accident that hurt my neck. Although I had migraines when I was younger, about half an hour after hurting my neck I got my first classic migraine. Now that you mentioned it perhaps the need to sit up when I have a migraine (in a high back chair with something behind my neck)comes from neck problems. I had not thought about that. Thankyou. I used to be like most people and lie down when I had a migraine but in the past decade or so this has changed. Perhaps my neck problems have been made worse by age. I've already got disc problems in my spine.(I'm 57) My migraines are the worst of my symptoms. Migraine can get so bad that even when in hospital nearly 2 years ago after a back operation the second day I got a migraine (not unusual for me to get migraine post anaesthesia) and I could no longer feel my back hurting my head was hurting so bad. When the migraine finally backed off I could feel the post surgical back pain again. Plus, they had me lying flat after the surgery and that was probably what contributed to the severity of the migraine.



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