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So, I saw a neuro-opthamologist today. She was great although I still have no idea why I am having increasing visual disturbances and eye related symptoms. However, when she reviewed the pics of my brain MRI, she exuberantly pronounced my brain "beautiful and perfect"! (And, she was serious!) I teased her that she better write that in my notes so I can show people that it's official...how perfect and beautiful my POTS brain is. :rolleyes:

Thought only other POTSies could get a kick out of that! :D

On a more serious note, since she could not find any problems, she believes I should see a neuro otolaryngologist. Has anyone seen one of those? I am going back to the regular ENT tomorrow but I would like to know what to expect out of a neuro otolaryngologist.


Oh, I totally get it! And congratulations on your beautiful brain. :) Along the same lines, my temporal bone was reported as "exquisitely normal" on a radiology report. My dumb, ringy, cloggy, pressure filled ear is exquisite?? Kind of like us, looking pretty good despite all the dysfunction. Speaking of temporal bone, this is something a neuro-otologist might look at. From my experience they deal a lot with dizzy people and investigate vestibular causes. I'm surprised you haven't seen one yet!


I've been to a neuro-otologist before. You can probably find my post from two years ago. Basically, the reason I went is I had to quit driving 10 years ago (prePOTS) due to "jumpy" eyes that would not stay focused on the road. Also, things that move by quickly make me dizzy-eyed(like watching a train, etc). Come to find out, I am just fine and dandy, according to the neuro-oto. I guess when the hearing guy did a test and proclaimed, "that's an odd result" during a conduction test, it must have not meant anything.

I have one ringing ear, jumpy eyes, balance that isn't perfect, and all that is not related to the ringing ear? Hmmmmm. Of course no one can explain why only one ear rings...if there is nothing wrong with it, of course.

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