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Red Hands Out Of The Blue :)


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Question for all...what could this be??? I have bulging veins in my hands when standing ir when hot. Lately I have episodes when I fell very hot my hands turn Very, Very red...not when they are cold..like Reynauds, but when I get really hot. This can happen anytime. One day I was just standing in a store when it happened. I have been diagnosed with MCAD but face isn't flushed... ant thoughts would be great. Angelloz

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I get this too. It is usually when I have been upright either standing or walking too long and am starting to feel goofy. My palms are usually red and mottled and sweaty. The veins on the back of my hands and the palmar side of my wrists get huge,blue, and bulging. And I am normally pooling in my legs.

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