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Sweat Smell Ruining Clothes?

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This is kind of embarrassing but I don't know who else to ask. When I am really cold I tend to sweat profusely under my arms and these episodes come in spurts but the tendency generally lasts over a week. When the sweat is wet it doesn't smell but it's bad once it dries. It doesn't seem to take long (A couple wears when this occurs) and then I can no longer get the smell from my shirt. (And this is different than when I sweat from heat- don't have this problem then, very bizarre.) Anyone know how to wash out the smell so I don't have to through away my clothes.

I have tried changing deodorants/anti-perspiratants and placing a barrier between my skin and clothes but it's hard to make it stay in place and awkward. I've even gotten a surgical disinfectant for my armpits in case it was due to bacteria already on my underarm and tried rubbing alcohol after showering as well.

I have also washed the clothing immediately (when able), washed in hot water, in vinegar, pre-washed, scrubbed.

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Instead of laundry detergent, I have switched to these things called "super wash balls" which you can purchase on QVC. I switched because of my mcas but it really does get odors out of the clothing. It's pretty amazing. They clean your clothes by changing the alkalinity of the water and also by producing hydrogen peroxide which disinfects and oxygenated. Clothes come out smelling just super clean. Then you can use a dryer sheet if you like nice scents. They are about $30 or so including the s&h so it also saves money....they last for 1100 loads.

Another option, believe it or not, is baby shampoo. Its one of the tips you find in those money saving tip books. It removes stains from ring around the collar and armpit yellowing, so you might try that for the odor. If it removes the stain, I would think it removes the odor too.

I don't have the staining issues (could be because I don't wear white very often) but I do have way more odor now that I have this profuse uncontrollable sweating from dysautonomia. It is embarrassing. I shower at the last minute before I go out and I sometimes change clothes during the day if I am going to be around others. I have found that using baby powder anywhere I can without getting it all over everything helps me remain odor free a bit longer.

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Laundry balls are a scam, I'm afraid. Reading up on it is quite entertaining, mind you. Just Google "laundry balls scam". The variety of pseudoscientific explanations manufacturers come up with is quite something.

Britishangel6, have you tried different stain removers? I've got sensitivities to detergents etc. too, and I'm getting on well with the Ecozone stain remover. If you're in the UK, that is.

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Look for the detergent called "Win". It's a sports detergent specifically made for sweaty clothes. My husband works outside in very hot heat and this is a problem I have had to combat. I wash his stuff in this and it works. There's some other brands that make sports detergents but that's the one I recall off the top of my head. Key is looking for one that's called sports detergent.

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I have heard of using lemon and salt to remove sweat stains. Squeeze the lemon juice over stain then sprinkle with salt. Rub the two together and then let it sit for 15 to 20 minutes. Then launder like usual. Sometimes the old ways work best. Good luck.

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