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Always Hungry . Losing Weight


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Okay- I know I had a premature baby last week of October , I had a dr appt on monday and the nurse said since december I have lost 11 lbs. at this current state im back to prebaby weight. exactly to the pound. my question is this: does anyone else always feel like their hungry (like me) , and are ALSO losing weight for no reason? I can eat and eat and still feel hungry

thyroid has been checked. ive had a colonoscopy and EGD. -nothing found at all other than gastritis

can stress cause this?

or just POTS?

hormones from pregnancy still?


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When I first developed symptoms of POTS (several years prior to full blown severe POTS and finally diagnosis) one of my symptoms was hunger and minor weight loss. This was never really explained for me either. If you continue to lose weight, I think you should keep trying to get answers from your physician.

Take care.

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if I don't see improvement soon, I am going to talk to my primary doctor to atleast run some tests for diabetes or somesthing- my dad is borderline so was my brother and grandfather HAD diabetes but they all were overweight...... BUT its possible! i never had the sugar test when i was pregnant bc nora came too early

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boymommy sorry no- I am not nursing - I lost my baby due to her prematurity

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I just bought my own glucometer meter to watch it while i wait forever and a half to see if this is part of the problem

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Maybe you're eating less than you think you are? Have you tried keeping a food diary for a few days and totting it up in a calorie calculator? There's lots of apps, software and websites that make it quite easy. Then at least you can tell the doctor "I'm eating about 2500 calories a day but losing weight" (or whatever, your calorie needs depend on your weight and activity levels) and it gives them more to go on.

I'm sorry for your loss.

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I Think thats part of it but I do know im not digesting food well. I have IBS like symptoms ever since Nora passed away-- its been really weird. beeing checking my sugars and they been good so i doubt its diabetes......

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one of the POTS doctors is robert hoeldtke. he is a metabolics specialist. he's studied the metabolic rates of POTS patients. (including me.) he has found that we generally have higher metabolisms than those with normal autonomic function. (corresponds w/ our spikes in high heart rates. it's like we're literally exercising all the time involuntarily.)

i too am hungry all day. eat frequent small meals, but large amounts of food. yet, have been slowly losing (noticeable) weight since my onset.
my appetite is now a joke among family and friends.

however, you should definitely r/u everything else. hopefully, if you don't find anything else, then it's "just POTS" ... and there's the reason as it was explained to me.

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