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AprilMarie52's new baby--photos!

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Hi Everyone

I felt this warranted a "new topic" posting! I added April's photos to DINET photos this AM of her new family. They are photos 35 and 36, which you can select in the "drop down" box after you select "Launch Slideshow".

Please someone/anyone let me know if you can't access this site. It seems to be working, but sometimes there are problems.




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Thanks for posting the picture of your new little bundle of joy! She's so cute!

Praying for you,


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Congradulation on your new baby.

I also took a look at all the other's picture. Everybody seems so beautiful and "healthy". I always wondered if there was something physical that could differentiate us from the "normal" population (ie Cushing's, etc.) It does not seem like it!


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Dear Katherine, I just love your pictures and know all appreciate seeing who you are corresponding with. I know you spend alot of time on this and I think you are great! Just wanted to let you know my niece is going to be induced about May lst, but now the baby is breach and that may change things. She is holding her own. A few weeks ago we had a baby shower for her at her house(just all of the family) and she did well. She sat in a lounge in the living room during the shower, and did get up several times for a minute. She is looking pretty good, but is still pretty much bedridden. She does get up to go to the bathroom and sometimes makes it to the table for dinner. We are all praying that things go well for her and after the baby is delivered, she can get started on something to help her live a more normal life. Thanks for your support. Linda

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that's so funny, AprilMarie...I looked at that site and really enjoyed the photos of the woodpeckers and chickadees and cardinals etc... I just thought I was missing something in terms of finding the right photoalbum for you and your family! I'd have to say my fog is also pretty thick ... I'll check out your site too. Congratulations on your beautiful little one. She's dreamy.


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Hi April, Like Merrill, I kept looking at the first site trying to find little Gabby!!

btw, you are NOT a moron. Memory fade happens to all new moms and when you add that to Pots brain fog, well, I think you are doing pretty well (LOL)

Gabby is a beautiful little girl.

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I sent a personal reply to your message in this thread as well.

Thanks--and I am glad to contribute to the group in this way! It is fun to share photos and I think it makes us all feel even more connected.

I am glad your niece is hanging in there--I do understand what she is going through.

I hope she doesn't have to have a c-section--but if so, at least she has a diagnosis of POTS now that will help with managing her care.

I will be thinking of her and her new baby on May 1--hoping everything goes really well.

Let us know how things go if you can.


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