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Sudden Chest Tightness/pain And Mid Back Pain


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I'm a 42 yo woman. This afternoon I developed tightness/pressure and pain in my chest - the whole rib cage area and pain in my mid-back. I am also vaguely nauseaus but hungry and also getting hot & cold sweats.

I have a cold and took sudafed but otherwise nothing is unusual.

Am I having a heart attack?

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The only way to know is to go to ER and get checked out. I have had those feelings with my POTS. But, the first few times I had those feelings I was told to go to ER. They can run tests to make sure this is not a heart attack.

Especially if you haven't had this happen before you should get checked out.

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although chest pain is not a common symptom for me, when I get gall bladder attacks I get really bad rib cage pain and radiating pain in my back with excruciating pain under my right rib. I don't have the right under-rib pain today, but I wonder if this is gall bladder. It did start after I ate mac & cheese which is when it usually starts. DH insists it's not a heart attack and prob just indigestion. I would have to take myself to ER and it's almost DD's bedtime.

wish I had apple cider & vinegar. that'll kill a gall bladder attack in minutes!

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I've gone to the ER twice for chest pains (different kinds). Both times, it was after calling my family docs for advice. I always felt better that way, like I needed to feel "ordered" to go instead of feeling like I was just being paranoid. Stupid, I know. Otoh, after being a "medical mystery" for over ten years and having to deal with so many doctors, some who understood the complicated nature and others who simply thought I was overworrying..... I do feel like I need the support of that opinion. I hope you are ok, and do find out what's going on. Just wanted to say I understand your hesitation, but docs seem to agree that it's more imortant to get that pain checked out. (first time, there was no explanation; second time, doc thinks was "inflammation" of the rib joint, can't remember the name)

(Joyagh, I recently started having that right-sided upper quadrant pain, too! Is there an autoimmune component? Mine lasted for about a month, but was mild and maybe resolving on its own? I don't know why it came or is going. An ultasound showed a small cyst and some "wall thickening" and the doc ordered a HIDA but since I'm feeling better, I canceled it. Otoh, I haven't been able to eat large meals for a long time, so maybe this is why?)

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