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Taking Standing Blood Pressure (Correct Arm Position)


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I was taught when you take a sitting or standing blood pressure that you are supposed to flex the arm and support it on a smooth surface at heart level. If you let your arm hang down when taking a sitting or standing blood pressure that it can give you an inaccurate value. If arm is hanging down it can give you higher blood pressure values, which may be inaccurate value.

Anyone been instructed differently?
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I haven't exactly been instructed, but in a 'monkey see, monkey do' fashion I check my standing BP in the same manner all the drs I've seen so far and all the nurses in the ER and the hospital have: with my arm hanging down.


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I've been instructed that the "proper" way to do it is to have it supported at heart level although it's been done lots of times in doctors' offices with the arm hanging down. But, when it was done with it elevated/supported position, the nurses have always made a point to mention that it's the way it's "supposed to be done".

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