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Anyone Heard Of This Guy?


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Here is a synopsis of his book from Amazon:


I've only read the first few pages and they are so me...

Tell me what you think! Don't hold back, I can take it!! Living with POTS for 3+ years has taught me at least one thing..."what doesn't kill me only makes me stronger".

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Truth is, I think we live in a toxic world. I was in the medical profession ( EMT, MA ) for years. I would watch Drs prescribe drug after drug, to people. Sometimes with dire consequences. I think the more natural we can go, the less toxic our bodies will become. Just how many different kinds of meds can we keep putting in our bodies....all with their own side effects....until our bodies just can't handle it anymore. I for one am glad you shared this! I look forward to reading it.

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I think diet is a BIG factor for most. But, few are willing to make the lifestyle changes needed to correct some of the problems that can be related to diet. It takes a whole lot of determination and having your mind made up that we have to change something that we've been doing our entire lives. We got into this place possible with poor habits and we have to un-learn them and learn new ones.

I think this guy is on the right track with it. It's just most people rather have a pill to take and not put forth the effort to make changes.


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Thanks Mydoggielovesme2 and Issie,

I agree with both of you. There are so many gimmicks, fads and whacks out there; I just wanted to know if anyone has heard of him and their thoughts on him.

I think you are so right Issie! I for one do not have the greatest of lifestyles and quite frankly, I'm one of those that would rather take a pill than put forth the effort. I am awaiting the book in the mail and I'm going to read it and see what it is all about. Maybe it's about time I get of my rump and make some changes. My friend has been using his method (for lack of a better term) for a few months and has lost weight (which I'm not interested in), and she says she's never felt better. Her father has been on it longer and says he feels the best he's ever felt and he's 80!

I am certainly not suggesting that anyone is sick or that we got POTS from what we do, not do, eat etc. I just thought it might be worth checking out.

Thanks again!!

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Bebe, have you read any of Never Be Sick Again? I'd love to know your thoughts. If I could wean myself off of all these meds by adjusting my diet, that would be amazing.

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I have had the book for a while and have been trying to read it when I get the time. I have mixed emotions about it at this point. What I'm most interested in is his ideas on nutrition. He says there are four worst food choices: sugar, white flour, processed oils, and milk products. I tend to agree with him, although fully taking out all milk products from my diet seem unlikely at my present stage in the game. He talks a lot (so far as I've read, which isn't all that much) about Americans being overfed but malnourished. I tend to agree with this too. Over the years and with all the new progress and technology while it can help in some areas; I believe it has been a detriment to our food sources, eating and nutrition.

One of the things I don't agree so much with is his opinion that basically says we create our illnesses, directly and indirectly (although I could be reading this wrong, or it's just my perspective). For instance, he doesn't really believe that health can be hereditary. Well, I'll back up to say that I think his opinion is that there are predisposed health issues and health issues that are hereditary, but it is up to us and what we do with and put into our bodies that causes illness. I hope I'm making sense. His premise is that there is only one thing that causes disease and that is bad cells, he calls it cellular malfunction. He claims that we do most of the cell malformation either directly (foods we eat, exercise, etc.) and indirectly (environment). He claims that there are two reasons for cell malfunction; deficiency (again, food) and toxicity (food/environment). He also says that there are six pathways toward never being sick again; they have to do with: nutrition, toxin, psychological, physical, genetic and medical.

He too was sick a while back, almost near death with chronic illness. I can't remember what it was, but do remember him stating that when it all started he felt very fatigued and his dr. told him it was his age, at the time he was in his 40's. So, he took it upon himself (as a trained scientist) to research and study the why's of illness and disease and I think that's where this book came from.

I'm interested in reading more. As far as I'm concerned, I haven't completely discounted anything as of yet however I always read with the thought in mind that I don't necessarily have to agree with every single word. If there is something of value to benefit me and my health or the health of my family, I will try it out. My husband for instance isn't getting on this guy's bandwagon any time soon as he is a believer in predisposition and we are what we are because that's the way we are (if that makes any sense?) not of course to say that my husband doesn't think that we can do more damage to our health by the choices we make.

I think just about anything is worth reading and making our own opinions about them. I am also waiting to get "Fit For Life" in the mail. Can't say I'm going to turn around tomorrow and become a health/exercise nut, but I'm willing to try just about anything at this point.

Best of luck to you :)

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Bebe, that's a great review! Many thanks. I completely agree that questioning what we read is so important, and you can learn from that which you disagree. If you ever find anything that's a must read, let me know. Best wishes!

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Hey Lel,

Thanks! I'm really not even halfway through yet. I probably need to spend more time reading and less time on the computer. Anywho, I do have a list of groups, blogs, articles and books on my blog (below) if you are interested.

Have a great day:)


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I ordered this book from goodwillbooks for less than a dollar becuase i hate paying full price for them but then they emailed to tell me it was no longer available, I was so upset. I was reallly looking forward to reading it. I didn't read you guys' comments word for word but I know diet is supposively what can cause and what can cure disease. Yes, our world is extremly toxic these days and it's up to us to do right for our bodies. I want to eat better, I'm just really bad when it comes to sweets and chocolates.

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