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Rheumatologist Help Needed


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i am going to finally see a rheumatologist in nyc tomorrow i was wondering what i should ask to test for?

here is some info

-Leg and arms are weak more so the legs.

-Shortness of breath cold feeling while breathing in / a lot of the time at night
-chest pains / stabbing and squeezing pains
-Lightheaded even after getting heart rate under control with meds / blood pressure to low at times due to meds / POTS

-fatigue in general
-muscle spasms and twitches
---Night Sweats / Waking me
-Neck tightness
-Memory Loss "Short term"
-low grade fever for over 2 weeks 98.7 - 100.4 - normally 97.4-98.5 mostly at night

-numbness tingle in legs and right harm / hand - random times

-loss of weight 20 pounds in 4 months without any change in diet or exercise

-feeling off balance at times.
-blood pressure to low at times due to meds / POTS?????
-Excessive chills when everyone else is fine.

POTS / Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome ---- HOSPITAL DIAGNOSED
GS / Gilbert's syndrome - FAMILY DOCTOR DIAGNOSED
GERD / Gastroesophageal reflux disease - ENT DIAGNOSED
MONO / Mononucleosis - past infection ---- HAD IT WHEN I WAS 12
Hypertension / Hypotension before pots hyper after pots and med hypo
Midodrine 2.5mg 2xday
Atenelol 12.5mg 1xday
Doxazosin 0.5mg 1xday
Klonopin 0.25 2xday
i must add i have see cardio / neuro / inf disease and ent so far thats how i found out all these things
diagnosed with POTS in the hospital a month ago or so
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Hi, did rich pm you? Right after your post last week he posted about the NY doctor he is seeing. I was hoping you could try and get in with his doctor. I was actually diagnosed by a fellow neurologist to rich's. My doc is Levine in arizona. Info below from Rich's post.

I agree with Katy, your symptoms could be rheumy, but they also sound neuromuscular. Many of the symptoms you've listed I also have. I don't have the chest tightness but it is one of Rich's most bothersome. He is now making head way. Also with the infection issues. Try and get someone to do your "total Quantitative immunoglobulins", a sub igg panel, ige, and igd. Then a vaccine challenge if any of those come back low. Primaryimmune.org is a good resource. I have both autoimmune and immune deficiency.

Rich got pots

"Posted 05 February 2013 - 07:08 PM

Just got the results of my skin biopsies. I had very abnormal results and have small fiber neuropathy. I'm very excited about it, because I'm hoping it will lead to a cause of my POTS, which I think is autoimmune. The lab that analyzes the test is https://www.therapath.com/

They also do testing for mito. Too I think since they do muscle biospy labs..

I don't know the details of the results yet. Like what % of nerves are missing. They are sending for bloodwork and they want to send me for autonomic testing at a local hospital, even though the dr knows ai already had 2 TTT, so I'l find out all the detail tomorrow when I call the nurse who is arranging everything"
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I don't know Rich's doctor's name, but if you click on the link in the post I made above to therapath, they have a physicians list at the top of the page and other good info about neuropathy and biopsies. My neuro is listed there. PM Rich for his docs name. You and he would be a good local support for each other. It has taken him a while to get to where he is, hopefully you can benefit, from him going before you.

When you see a rheumy they have a few autoimmune disease they look at, a general autoimmune panel should catch the most common ones. Like lupus, sjogrens, schleroderma, arthrities, etc. They won't commonly run immune panels on you, like the "total quant", but you could ask.

They however only treat rheumatic oriented autoimmune disease. Being ruled out there does not rule out an autoimmune disease in another specialty. I for example have autoimmune diseases that are treated by a rheumy, a neuro, an endo and a gyn.

I agree with Kathy something like polymys and poly neuropaths may be a direction you should look to. The good news is if you go to Rich's doc he will test you for those things, as my neuro here in az did. These neuro's are a subspecialty of neurology and specialize in neuromuscular autoimmune diseases. A reg neuro won't do any of that.

Good luck tommorrow and don't get defeated if things don't go as you hope, hopefully it will. Just know if you don't give up until you know they have it right, you will eventually figure it out.

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A little training on how to use the forum. So you can find stuff easier. You can click on any member's name in a post and it will take you to their member page, on the left it lists "topics" and Posts". Click on either of those and you will be able to read what that member has posted to the forum. Also at the top of the forum is a link that says members. You can find members that way too if you know their forum name.

It would be good for you to read what Rich has posted. Also his link to neuropathy.org is in one of his posts. Man don't make me do all the work for you, when you can also just google or type it and get to their website yourself, you don't need to have a link in a post to find them. Most of us do our own research this way.

I'm happy to help, but this stuff is easy for you to do as well.

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