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Waking Up Hyperventilating


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Does anyone wake up hyperventilating at night? On my worse nights I don't sleep because of the disordered breathing pattern I have when I am in bed, and so I only sleep very lightly and wake up frequently as if to take over my breathing consciously.

On the nights when I do sleep I wake up sweating during the night but at least it is more restful.

Does anyone have these symptoms?

I wonder if it is because I sleep on only one pillow as I find more rather uncomfortable is this likely?

Thank you all so much.x

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It seems like there have been quite a few people on here that have similar issues. I was having this problem all the time a couple months ago, but it has mostly gone away now. I have no idea what caused it or what helped it go away. I did change my dosage times for taking my beta blocker, so maybe this helped? Wish I could offer some suggestions! This is definitely not a fun thing to deal with :( Hope you start getting some sleep soon!

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I have lots of extra issues if I'm not propped up higher while sleeping - or if I sleep on my back (or left side... :huh: ). It might be worth trying to figure out an elevated pillow configuration that you can get comfortable with and/or, if you haven't already, check to see if there is any connection to your position at the time. I hope it will be a passing thing for you!

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Have you elevated the head of your bed? This really helped me. My BP gets so low at night, that I think my brain gets in panic mode to make me wake up. And yes im all sweaty, and more fatigued. I hate pillows, so putting blocks under head of bed was how we accomplished it. Not a cure mind you, but it helped.

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