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Can You Tolerate Some Alcohol?


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Now that I'm soon to wean my daughter, I'm wondering about the occasional glass of wine. We live in the city and often sit on the porch and drink wine with our neighbors. Has anyone found that they can tolerate the occasional alcoholic drink, or does it mess you up pretty quickly? I know it's a vasodilator and dehydrates you, so obviously heavy drinking is out, but I'm wondering if anyone has been able to tolerate a small amount (like a 5 oz. glass of wine on occasion). Thanks!

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I am afraid to try it. When my problems first started, I had drank and wondered if that had caused the episodes. The doctor told me no, but months later, my family encouraged me to go out and have a good time. My husband and I went to a card game and I had a few beers, and became extremely ill the next day and continued to feel awful for days afterwards. My primary doctor at the time said it was just because I was so underweight, but she also knew nothing about POTS.

So, I haven't had a drink in a year. Sometimes, I wish I could. Our neighbors are extremely close and we would gather at my house and have fires in the firepit, and have a few drinks to relax. Or watch sports on our outdoor projector. Yes, we can still do that, but not quite the same.

But I think some people on this site do still drink

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I am on the hyperadrenergic side. Over the years i have tried during social gatherings and it always turns out with a bad outcome. I mean a sip of red wine sends me into a tail spin. i am not exaggerating. Heart starts pounding, blood pressure goes up, get very lightheaded, other cardiac oddities. My wife and I went out over the holidays with another couple with kids and the other couples husband asked me so what kind of beer you want. I saw my wife looking at me. The LOOK! You better order water. I go ahead get a bud light bottle. I slowly drank over the course of an hour or so. Left feeling lousy. It didn't have the dramatic and immediate effect like wine or liquor. Either way none of it I really tolerate.

I know it not part of your post but I don't even tolerate decaf coffee. Regular coffee I am convinced would give me a heart attack or stroke. Espresso would kill me.

Maybe you will have a different tolerance. I could never get an answer from the autonomic dr why I am so sensitive.

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I seem to be on hyper side too and I am the same way with coffee! I used to be able to drink it and now, there is no way. Infact, I do not drink any caffeine. The only thing I am okay eating chocolate (thank god).

Sorry Shan1212, don't want to take over your post, but maybe this is helpful info for you too.

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I think everyone's different. I know we've had a thread on this before and it was a very mixed crowd. I can't drink AT ALL now (and I used to be a regular at Friday happy hour) plus enjoy wine or beer with dinner. But now I am sick within a half hour of starting a drink. I think some of it might be dysautonomia but I think I react so strongly because I have mcas and alcohol is a trigger for me. Joint pain, flushing, hot flashes, chills, vomiting, disorientation ......its like having the worst part of the drunk and hangover without any of the fun. So, I don't try it anymore because it's not worth it for me. (Glad to know I learn at least as well as Pavlov's dogs! Lol!)

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The day my severe symptoms started was after an evening of drinking. In the weeks leading up to this day, I had two teaser lightheaded spells. Both times I had a couple of drinks the prior evening. Since then, I have had drinks twice. The first time I had two drinks without any noticeable effects (felt a little worse the next day but it is hard to determine whether it was due to the drinks or just random fluctuations in my day-to-day symptoms). The second time I felt super faint halfway through a glass of wine so I stopped. Since then I haven't had any alcoholic beverages but have longed for one many times.

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I seem to tolerate alcohol in moderation. In fact, after a beer or two, I feel almost normal. I've even asked my dr. why this is and he had no real explanation other than it is probably relaxing. My husband and I often talk about this and why it makes me actually feel better, that maybe it's the carbs or something. I don't know what it is, but I happen to feel better afterwards. This is not to say that I condone imbibing alcoholic drinks. I stick to beer only. Caffine doesn't seem to affect me at all, I have two cups each morning. The rest of the day, I drink water, gatorade, and propel. Don't know how to explain it. Everyone is different and in my case, moderation is definately the key. Also, I guess I figure if I'm going to feel crappy anyway, why not feel happy crappy!

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bebe127 (and Leigh8), I seem to be like you. As long as I really hydrate before hand and during, and don't overdo it, a glass or two of wine works for me. I cannot tolerate hard alcohol anymore, especiallly Tequilla, but that doesn't really bother me; I was never a big drinker of that kind of stuff anyway. I would be very sad to do away with wine, though! lol Coffee also doesn't have too much of an adverse affect on me, as long as I don't have too much in succession without eating. I used to drink a ton of coffee, but can't quite do that anymore. I actually do a cup in the morning to help give myself a boost (I get pretty low BP when I first get up) and that actually seems to help for some reason. Not totally sure why? Aside from that, I will have maybe another cup or two later in the afternoon if I'm at a coffee shop (I'm a writer, so this is a common haunt of mine lol).

shan1212, it did take me about 6 months after I first got sick to even try; honestly, I was feeling so lousy at that time I didn't even want any lol. Once I got on a beta blocker and started feeling better, I asked my doctors and they all said that it wouldn't affect my meds, so it just was all dependant on how it made me feel. I gave it a try, just a tiny bit here and there, and it seemed to go okay.

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Alcohol settles my symptoms. But only moderation and hydration. It takes away my orthostatic intolerance, gives me a second wind, takes away my ear and neck pain. It's not a great strategy for POTs 7 days a week but I do have a drink most weekends. If I over do it then I pay - feel like a week long hangover. The trick is balance. I don't think I'm a hyper POTS. I have low blood volume, low BP and some positive autoimmune findings. I also present a little like adrenal fatigue which most docs in my area think is total crap.

I just wanted to give you a little background on my version of POTs so you can see if you might fair well with an occasional drink. I'm symptomatic in different varieties anyway....so why not have a little fun. Cheers!!

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I just tried having a half glass of wine last week. I feel asleep very soon after and woke up with the worst hangover I could have imagined. It wasn't worth it in my opinion. But hey you can always try and just go from there.

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For me my body responds differently each time. I can have a glass of wine and be very symptomatic the next day and other times I can have a couple margaritas in a night and be totally fine the next day....Its still a mystery to me!! But i drink an extra 20oz of water per drink I choose to have to keep my hydration high and tachy low. I have noticed that my bp always drops the morning after drinking so I need midodrine as soon as i wake up on thoes days.

Hope your body is more predictable :)

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Yes (and yay!) I am able to tolerate some alcohol now. I'll take gladly take that little escape from the everyday of trying to figure out these crazy symptoms.

My initial introduction to Pots was after two drinks in a public place and it ended badly ( and not without public embarrassment courtesy of Pots;). After about 10 months, I was ready to try it and it seems to go well. Wine...not so much, but beer or rum/vodka are ok. I am careful about it though making sure I have lots of water and only at times when symptoms seem baseline for me.

My suggestion would be to try it at home and when someone is with you :)

Cheers to all (even if for now you are doing it with water :)

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I only have alcohol on days when I'm feeling fairly good and as others above have said I make sure to Really hydrate well. (1-2 large glasses of water per drink.)

I actually notice a positive effect- perhaps relaxing the nervous system.

During the first several months after onset I avoided any caffeine or alcohol. After a while I started adding them back slowly. I find both help. However, I have coffee almost every day and alcohol more like 2-3x a week. Usually a glass or two of red wine but if I'm feeling really good we'll go out and have a cocktail. (funny, expresso martini is our drink of choice...hmmm didn't dawn on me till now the caffeine connection....interesting.)

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Im hypo adrenia. They say insufficient adrenal function does not do well at all with alcochol. Beyond dehydration

it messes up your liver function.

I suspect it can also "heat" your body up and constrict blood vessels, bring on migraines, flare POTS, screw up kidney function, mess up your electrolytes, and activate mast cell problems.

Most likely hard liquor is not good for your stomach or digestive system. Could eventually aggravate leaky gut


It depends on your individual diagnosis.

Beer has a lot of carbs which could be a whole different problem.

Some wines have nitrates which can really make some people feel bad.

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If you're gonna drink remember to drink! Drink water/sports drinks before each drink and between drinks. This will help but sometimes even when you do everything "right" you still feel like you wished you didn't do it! I am 4 years into my Dysauto and it was only a year ago that I could even have 1 beer without going into a full blown episode. I miss it at times but have gotten used to my new way of living! Another thing to consider is alcohol starts out as a suppressant but metabolizes into a stimulant. Now most people don't even notice this effect but people like us can be set off by that stimulant effect especially if you are or lean towards hyper-POTS like I do.

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i tolerate fine....however I only drink vodka with fresh lemon or grapefruit not much wine anymore:( 2 much sugar. It calms me down with adrenal surges, tolerate stress better, makes me feel more "normal" helps me sleep etc. I also take generic klonopin in the a.m. but that doesn't affect anything when I drink, i guess it's cuz I'm on a low dose of it, 1mg per day in the a.m., and when I drink it's in the evening. also helps to lower my bp and hr mysteriously lol.

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and like jamie said, i always feel better if i drink more water before i go to bed, and if i have several drinks, notice my bp is low the next day if I dont drink extra water and eat bfore bed. i love gatorade without the fructose and fresh sliced cucumber on ice with smirnoff (unflavored)

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