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Need Anesthesia Articles To Give To The Surgeon


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Kyler (just turned 16) has to get his wisdom teeth out. I am assumong that there is some really awesome article that someone has to help explain POTS to the surgeon and any special considerations for the anesthesia. I was also wondering if we should try and skip general and just shoot for him getting local numbing (that's how I had mine removed cuz I was afraid of dying under general).

Please share your experiences and articles with this if you have been thru it.

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I've had General when I had my wisdom teeth out 6 years ago and all it did was make me nauseous after the fact (compounded by the blood that drains into the stomach during the extraction). I also just had a heart surgery 4 weeks ago of course requiring GA. I asked my POTS specialist (A neurologist at Boston Medical) what the surgeon and anesthesiologist should be told prior to surgery. She said just to make sure the surgeon and anesthesiologist know that you have dysautonomia specifying intermittent tachychardia and chronically low blood pressure . Thankfully, anesthesiologists are some of the few doctors who invariably are familiar with dysautonomia and will know to keep your son well hydrated and his pressure carefully monitored while under GA.

GA was one of the aspects of my surgery that made me the most anxious because I know that POTS can complicate being under sedation. Fortunately I did not have any problems with the GA and my blood pressure only dropped in the OR when they tried to give me narcotics which I apparently can't tolerate. I don't think they will need multiple articles to convince them to be extra vigilant during your sons surgery, but here is an article someone posted on the site a few months ago:


If you do opt for local, be aware the novocaine is know to severely irritate the autonomic nervous system and cause serious tachycardia. I personally can't tolerate novocaine and have to have something called carvocaine instead. Good luck to you and your son!

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sorry, no personal experience with this since my POTS diagnosis

in the past when i had a wisdom tooth removed I opted for local numbing and everything was fine - that was pre-POTS though.

Best of luck to you and your son.


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