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I've Had It With My Daughter's School!


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I soooo need to vent so sorry ahead of time. Just got off the phone with my daughter's school and once again, they are adding to my stress! My husband and I want her every other school day to be shortened. She has been going to school by 9am every day this year. Many days, she has gone with more dizziness, headaches etc. She also has missed many of the activities she enjoys outside of school due to fatigue. I'm tired of it and since winter is worse, she needs to pull back a little and have a life on top of it! So, we're setting up another IEP mtg since she's already in special ed. First of all, they now wanted a letter from her doctor saying why we felt she needed this schedule. Fine. We never had to do that before but whatever.

I got the letter sent it in and waited. 3 weeks have passed and we finally have a mtg. tomorrow. I don't know what took so long but they kept asking me if this is what we really want. Yes!!! I'm getting to the point where I think they really don't think she's sick anymore. (She's been in special ed for 5 years now so you would think they get it!) Last spring, we talked extensively about her credits to graduate. We were told if she took a online course in the summer, we would be 1 credit ahead. Well, now they're telling us we paid for only a 1/2 credit and hopefully, she'll have enough to graduate next year! I am livid! I would have never paid for 1/2 credit course and had her gone thorugh all that work!

I guess what's really upsetting me is the atttitude of the school. They really don't seem to want to help her and it's feeling like this is an inconvenience for them. I know, by law they have to do it but it's just upsetting to me after all this time. She's such a hard worker and has been through so much to get to this point.

Thanks for listening. No one else understands like the people on here. It's very lonely and stressful being a caregiver sometimes!


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If at your meeting tomorrow the administration at the school does not cooperate I would go to the superintendent or school board (I am not sure of the process in your state) and demand an answer. I am sure that the school's attitude also adds to your daughter's stress, which is not helpful to her either.

Good luck at your meeting!

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Sorry to hear of the rough time the school is giving you! We have been quite lucky to have a school and counselor who have bent over backwards to get my son what he needs, including paying for online classes when the state funded seats were already taken. I hope the meeting goes well tomorrow. My son is a senior this year, and while he was ahead 1.5 credits at the beginning of the year, he may still have to go through the summer to get done since this year has been his worst feeling year yet. I can't wait until he is done with school to take some of the stress off him. College will have to wait until he is more functional.


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Thanks everyone! You know,for the most part her school has been great! We met today and while it was all figured out how to shorten her day, we still feel like no one is taking responsibility for the misinformation we were given last year! The special ed coordinator is going to look into the possibility that an elective could maybe be waived. I'm going to pray for that. That would help a lot, even if it was only one credit. If not, we're going to have to look into an online course. At least this time they will pay for it! We will also be sitting down with the school counselor and the principal and let them know we are not happy.

It certainly adds to my stress right now. It means so much to Liz to graduate on time and so I feel like I need to fight for her-once again! It's just exhausting.


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