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Pregnancy N Pots

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Good afternoon all! :blink:

I originally started looking for more sites on POTS because i am 6 months pregnant, in the military and there is NO INFORMATION out there on being pregnant and dealing with POTS at the same time. My cardiologist and high risk pregnancy Dr. are perplexed at what type of birth would be best (C-Section/Vaginal) and also whether or not an epidural is ok. Also, I am just wondering if anyone has experienced being pregnant and having this condition at the same time, its very frustrating. Good news is that my baby BOY has been growing perfectly so far and there is seemingly no complications with him (Thank God!)

If anyone has been pregnant and had POTS PLEASE HELP!!!!

Have a blessed day everyone!

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I had very low BP and tachycardia throughout my pregnancy. Also vomited everyday. Fainted several times. I wasn't diagnosed with POTS at the time. They said an epidural was out because of my low BP, I had a normal vaginal delivery after 24 hours of labor. Ben weighed 9#3 oz. I fainted several times after he was born while in the hospital. I had alot of post partum depression and didn't feel well for a long time after. As long as your heart is healthy I think you'd do OK with labor. My close friend does all my anesthesia and he did give me some gas at the point I had to start pushing. Don't really know what your symptoms are.


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There are a few people that are pregnant right now. It's extremely doubtful that you'll find anything printed on POTS and Pregnancy, I don't think it exists because it hasn't been studied. But people here are wonderful and they'll tell you what it's been like for them.

I didn't have "POTS" during my pregnancy but I would pass out. That was years before my diagnosis. The doctor would always tell me that I stood up too quickly and I would argue with him that I stood up pretty slowly. Oh, well.

Goodluck :blink:

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Sorry, I can't help you with your questions, accept to recommend using the search tool in this forum for "pregnancy" or "pregnant", as this topic has come up many times before.

Best wishes to you and your new baby boy! :blink:

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I am not surprised you can't find much out there on pregnancy and POTS. Apparently there is even less understood about this interaction, than about POTS alone.

I developed full-blown POTS when pregnant with my daughter. I had a lot of problems and won't have another pregnancy for that reason, even though my doctor has no idea whether I would have the same problems again. In any case, my daughter was and is healthy, born at 40 weeks +. My main problems were--tachycardia, debilitating dizzy spells, and some fainting starting in the 2nd trimester and complete exhaustion, that got worse and worse, although got a bit better in the last few weeks of the pregnancy. I had to stop working completely at 7 months. At the end of 39 weeks I started to develop high bp and severe swelling so I was induced, but ended up having a c-section. I wasn't diagnosed until post partum. I got even worse post partum--probably due to the c-section. Most POTS patients don't respond well to surgery.

Our experiences with pregnancy all vary A LOT, and there have been MANY discussions on this forum in the past on this topic.

Here are some links to previous threads to get you started:





After reading through these, if you still have questions, we can try to answer them!

I wish you the very best. Many POTS patients have done fine with pregnancy.


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Congratulations!!!! I have POTS and just had a baby girl 10 weeks ago. My pregnancy was normal. I threw up in the beginning but was fine after that. My drs told me that I could have an epidural, but when I got to the hospital I was 9 1/2 cm dialated so it was too late for that. I had a normal vaginal delivery and went back to work 7 weeks post partum. My little one is happy and healthy. I took both florinef and zoloft during my pregnancy. I think that it is just different for everybody. Let me know if I can be of any help.

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I am currently 12 weeks pregnant and have had POTS for 2 years. I saw a cardiologist today as I wanted to make sure that my pregnancy progresses as normally as possible. As I experience tachycardia frequently, she recommended that I began a low-dose of beta blockers to keep my heart rate from climbing too high. In the past I have tried beta blockers, florinef, midodrine, etc......nothing really helped before. She also felt that my symptoms might improve with pregnancy due to the increase of blood volume. As for birthing option, she didn't think that I would have a problem with a vaginal delivery. Hope this helps. Congratulations.


Good afternoon all!  :)

I originally started looking for more sites on POTS because i am 6 months pregnant, in the military and there is NO INFORMATION out there on being pregnant and dealing with POTS at the same time.  My cardiologist and high risk pregnancy Dr. are perplexed at what type of birth would be best (C-Section/Vaginal) and also whether or not an epidural is ok.  Also, I am just wondering if anyone has experienced being pregnant and having this condition at the same time, its very frustrating.  Good news is that my baby BOY has been growing perfectly so far and there is seemingly no complications with him (Thank God!)

If anyone has been pregnant and had POTS PLEASE HELP!!!!

Have a blessed day everyone!

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Hello! I have had POTS for over 3 years and am on my 2nd pregnancy (I have a 2 year old son and another baby boy on the way). I am 30 weeks along and currently doing very well. With my first pregnancy I was so worried because I could never seem to find any information, and POTS was very new to me- but fortunately I had a great pregnancy and wonderful delivery, and so far this pregnancy is going smoothly except for major nausea in the beginning which has long subsided (thankfully!).

My main complication is the tachycardia with both pregnancies, and I have remained on a beta blocker both times which helps tremendously with the fatigue and tachy. I tried to wean from it this time but ended up only making it a few weeks before my cardiologist and midwife decided it would be more risky without it due to HR of up to 180-200 BPM. Anyway, I had a natural vaginal delivery without medication the first time, and this time am planning another natural birth through a birthing center with this baby (suprisingly, I conuslted several doctors and midwives who do not consider POTS to be a high risk for delivery if mom is doing well during the pregnancy). I felt that my labor, delivery, and recovery were very uncomplicated and the POTS gave me no trouble for a few months afterwards. I too am afraid of what would happen if I had an epidural, c-section, etc...because it just isn't known what the risks are to a POTS patient in that situation. It's normal to feel shaky & lightheaded in the days following delivery, so I would expect that regardless of POTS, maybe a bit exacerbated with some of us.

Anyhow I like to hear that other people are having positive experiences with childbirth and I hope that you will keep us updated! Congratulations!

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