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Trace Blood In Urine


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For the last four years, my urine tests have come back with trace blood. Dr. doesn't seem too concerned. He did have me go in for x-rays/sonogram on my kidneys and bladder over a year ago (tests didn't reveal anything abnormal), but that was because my father has/had bladder cancer. Still have trace blood in urine. Will be getting yearly physical in a few months and I am anticipating the whole trace blood thing.

Anyone else have this? Like I said, dr. doesn't seem too concerned, but I'm fairly certain that most people don't go around with trace blood in their urine for no apparent reason! Not sure if I should be concerned or not, although I'm putting on here, so I guess I am a bit concerned.

Thanks for any insight.

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I wondered about this too. I was just looking through my last labs and mine said this too...?? I have no clue what it means so I googled it ..lol bad idea as usual but generally I got the assumption it has something to do with having a uti?? Id ask the doctor to be certain. Im curious as well on this one ....any ideas guys???

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My dr. might have said something about a uti, but I had no other issues ie: burning, etc. and bloodwork showed no infection. Weird!! I try to stay away from googling too as most of the time all it does is raise my bp and makes me more worried. I will ask again when I go to dr. Would love to know if there is a connection somehow. BTW, this started the year before I was dx. I went in for tachy and they took blood, that was the first time I was told about the trace blood. Nurse said it probably had something to do with my cycle. However, I don't have a cycle anymore as I have an IUD (sorry if TMI). Anywho, I hate it when dr.s just don't seem as concerned as we are about these things. It's like...don't know...don't want to find out...deal with it. UGH! I am of the thinking that there is a reason for everything and usually there is a root cause, I just wish dr.s would take the time to find out instead of just treating the symptoms and/or ignoring it altogether.

Alright, I'll get off my soapbox!

I'm with you...any ideas guys???

Hope you are well :)

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MomtoG, A UTI for four years?? Yes, I too, have heard that one can have a low level infection without signs. My mother, may she rest in peace, had infections all the time that never showed on anything.

ophelialit, Interesting about the MCAD. I've been reading a lot about this and am concerned. I'm going to take some literature into the dr. next time I go and ask about it. What type of dr. should one see regarding MCAD?

Thanks guys :)

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I've had trace blood in my urine for years and have been seeing a urologist since I was 19 or 20. I also saw a nephrologist who found no reason for the trace blood and my urologist has done multiple ultrasounds, urine analysis tests and even looked inside my bladder with one of those fun scopes that hurts really bad. Still haven't found a cause. I've always wondered about it, but I'm glad I'm not the only one!

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Hi again,

The MCAD can cause high levels of inflammation in the bladder (and everywhere else for that matter), and interstitial cystitis is the resulting condition; I've had a billion urine cultures over the years, and there's never a positive UTI (though I had them quite frequently in college), but the docs always order the cultures because of the trace RBC found in the urine samples. Better to be safe than sorry, I reckon. Anyway, you'd want to locate an immunologist for any suspected MCAD issues....good luck!

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I have this on and off but we are pretty sure mine is from passing small kidney stones. It started when I had a stone lodged in my left ureter and had to have surgery to remove it. (Well, that time was not trace amounts of blood...that was scary amounts of blood.) But, since then, I will get minor pain (kind of like a gas cramp) probably once a month or so and they never see a stone on the sonogram but I usually have trace blood. Not that it's convenient, but they can give you a strainer to urinate through to make sure that there are no crystals. My urine that shows trace blood is always sent off for testing for infection and has always come back negative. But, I think I would see a urologist (if you haven't yet) just to make sure everything has been investigated. It definitely isn't normal to have blood in your urine.

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  • 2 weeks later...

bleeding in your urinary tract is not normal. It could be a UTI but still not normal. This means some part of urine tract whether its your kidneys, bladder, urethra, whatever is exposed. Even if the Dr.'s aren't finding it---it is still there. Your urinary tract and kidneys are very important in maintaining blood pressure...

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Just so anyone who hasn't had one isn't horrified, I've had to had the cystoscope(so?), where there use a scope with camera to view the inside of your bladder and part of your ureters. My doc put a local numbing gel on the outside of my urerthra and on the end of the scope and I did feel a bit of pressure but no pain like the others above have described.,so if you have to have one it may be a painless procedure. :-)

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