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Going From Tachy To Brady?


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Has anyone experienced going from tachycardia to bradycardia? I have consistently had a resting hr of 90 and standing of 120-140. For the past 3 days my resting is 55 and standing is around 70-80. I would love to think that this means I am getting better, but there is a big problem; I feel worse. I am dizzy, numb, pins and needles and have a weird pull pressure like someone is trying to pull my head off of my neck. So a heart rate of 70 blood pressure of 100/65 and my cardiologist is telling me to "celebrate, you're normal again!" And yet I feel horrible, has anyone experienced this? What was the outcome? The only thing I think to do is eat a ton of salt and take my "as needed" midodrine in hopes that my bp will go up a little and stop this drunken dizzy feeling but nothing is working.

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I've been registered here years and used to post quite a bit then stopped coming here apart from having a quick look now and then to see if there had somehow been a miracle cure in the meantime I didn't know about lol

Anyway, yes I started with tachycardia ALL the time even laying down. After getting a flu type virus a few years ago by heart rate fell to anywhere between 32-50 and constantly fluctated between the two. Strangely I had no symptoms even when my pulse was at 32, my Dr said unless I was passing out they wouldn't do anything and I just had to get on with it. I still now get times of very low pulse and it fluctuating all over the place but do get periods of time where it's around 70 (where it should be!) and of course some times I get tachy too but my POTS has definitely changed in recent years.

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Well unfortunately this change in hr definitely did not mean I was getting better. Now my heart rate rests at 50 and standing is 110-120. It seems to be worse. I am currently not on any meds. I have tried fludrocortisone, midodrine and a whole array of beta blockers. Nothing has helped so my cardiologist took me off everything to start at square one and see where I was at. Hopefully he will have some better solutions soon.

Tanzanite I can't not believe a hr of 32bpm feels ok for you. That's amazing. The second my hr slips below 50bpm I get awful palpatations, skipped beats, and extra beats followed by a real strong beat.

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