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Abdominal Pooling?


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Since many of my symptoms correlate around my chest and stomach I started to wonder if I may be having abdominal pooling.

I wore my compression hose one day and they helped only slightly and then the next day the seemed to make me worse. I do not have signs of pooling in my legs that are significant. I dont swell, and the only time they get reddish/purplish is with showering or hot summertime walks outside so I tend to think my legs are fine.

However when I stand I feel like my chest is being drained and it just wants to cave in. I have immediate tachy and feels like suction from my head down through my chest. I always feel the need to lean over and sometimes this helps almost immediate realieving this sensation of suction. I know it sounds wierd, I just dont know how else to describe it. So , if the blood is not going to my legs, could what I am feeling be blood going to my abdominal area? Can u have abdominal pooling without leg pooling? anyone understand why???

If this is happening shouldnt I feel more bloated or something then? I have no physical signs, swelling or color change to my abdomin. I do get bloated after I eat though. And if this is happenning could this be the cause of my constant stomach issues??

Im not sure how all this works, and trying to decide if an abdoiminal binder would be wise. I have constant stomach pain so I dont wanna use one if this doesnt make since? (that and I dont wanna waste any money ;) ) I also have just went gf to try to see if this would help. Thanks for any advice-sarah

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yes, this is how I feel exactly! But I have great distension in my upper abdominal area just below the rib cage (even though I got super skinny after having my baby. 2 years later, my abdomin extended greatly and suddenly. when I used to get bloated, it would be my lower belly, so this is weird and different. This is from my ribs to my belly button. I feel the same way though - hypovolemia in the chest/thoracic area with dypsnea and tachy and a sense of compression/collapse/pressure in the chest area. no leg pooling, no leg edema, but I have to bend forward to stabilize and catch my breath. when I check my BP/HR while bent over, the BP is high, usually very high diastolic and narrow pulse pressure. this is an indication of hypovolemia and reduced stroke volume coming from the heart. when I stand back up the tachy comes back and dypsnea and compression/pressure. I remembered tonight, when I was dancing before I got POTS, in ballet class I used to have to bend over and rest my hands on my knees to catch my breath after combinations across the floor. maybe it's been lingering very subtly for years.

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Yes , I think my pooling is in abdomen and not legs. I lean forwards to but sitting also helps. I think quite a few people get this. like you i feel the strain in my chest as it drains.


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+1 No pooling in feet, but I'm pretty sure I have severe abdominal pooling. Every morning when I sit p in bed, I feel that draining sensation, my abdomen gets painful, bloated, colicky, then I feel like I need to have a BM (TMI).

Do binders help you? I wonder why they don't help me. I wear Bellefit pregnancy girdle and binder and it hurts, but it does not make me feel better.

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Googled pelvic congestion syndrome and it all sounds very familiar, I did however go to the gyn when all this started and only had a small cyst and undetermined endo which they said wasnt bad enough to cause the issues I was having. However we all know that can mean nothing coming from just one uninformed doctor. I experimented with a little compression on the tummy today via spanx...never thought Id wear them again after the wedding I bought them for lol but they seem to help with the dizzys however they have also seemed to narrow my pulse pressure a bit more than usual. Pre spanx bp was 88/64 right after I put them on it was 90/60 (yay) then after about an hour my pulse started feeling weak (as it does lately quite often) and bp was 88/74...not sure if this means anything, too soon I geuss.

I def. think after hearing from you guys this is something I am dealing with and would explain some of what I am feeling, however what has caused it to go crazy so quickly? ugh

I want off this ride =(

Thx guys for the feedback, I truly appreciate it -sarah

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I forgot to answer you guys! Usually an interventional radiologist diagnoses and treats pelvic congestion. There is a surgery where they go in an cut off the blood supply to the extra large veins causing the pooling.

There has been some talk of it here before so feel free to search it.

Alot of what you guys are saying sounds like PCS.

There are a few visual clues like of you have visible pooling in your abdomen when upright or varicose veins down there.

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Bananas avatar made me giggle too Naomi...lol :D

No real changes Ruby,never thought Id see the day I put on spanx and just hang out around the house lol =( Heartrate really high today so far but I have been bedridden a bit more lately so Im hoping deconditioning is the cause for no improvement. Gonna try to get on my feet for atleast awhile today. Take care guys =)

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