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Hr & Bp Monitoring


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Do any of you know if there is a BP monitor similar to a Holter monitor (keeps track of HR) that one can get from an EP? I did have a Holter monitor 3+ years ago for 21 days that didn't really show anything significant other than a speedy HR at times. The dr. ruled out any arrythmias and the like.

My BP seems to be all over the place. When I started on this journey 3+ years ago, I was having issues with high blood pressure. Most of the time now, my vitals are relatively normal (120's-130's/80's-90's), but I am still symptomatic. Recently, my bp has been lower than usual (90's/70's). Just wondering if there is a way for a dr. to keep track of my BP regularly over days to see if there is anything we can find out to better regulate it.



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I don't know if such a device exists, but I believe I read somewhere about 24 h BP monitoring - maybe someone on the forum knows more about this.

When I had wild fluctuations in BP I used to check and record my vitals with a regular BP machine - the kind you can buy from Walmart, CVS or Walgreens.

I was symptomatic when my BP was yoyo-ing (I seem to be able to tell when my BP is fluctuating, particularly when it's higher than my 'normal' 100/60) so I 'knew' when to check it. Sometimes I'd check it every couple of minutes, other times every couple of hours. My dr suggested I keep a diary and check my BP around the same times every day (say every 4 hrs, but you can check it every hour, every 2 hrs etc).


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I use the OMRON BP791iT cuff to monitor my son's bp and heart rate. It has a huge memory and I can dump it to the computer to send to the cardiologist. I think I purchased this at Walgreens or Walmart.

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Thanks everyone! I do have a BP cuff and I do keep records of my BP (I have 3+ years worth!). I was just wondering if there was such a thing as a Holter monitor only for BP so that the results could be sent to a Cardio or EP, like the heart monitor does. When I see the dr. I always take in my notebooks and he does give them a glance, but it would be nice if we could just be monitored like the Holter. I might go in to see a new EP this spring and ask him if there is such a thing. At the moment I don't even have a regular cardiologist as there are none in my area that know about POTS. I just recently found out about this new EP through a friend's husband (he is a firefighter/EMT and used to work in the ER) who's daughter was just diagnosed with Dysautonomia. She was born with a heart block and has a pace maker, but was just recently dx with Dys. Anywho, hopefully I'll get into see him in the near future.

Again, thank you all for your responses! :)

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