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Causes Of Pots

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-Viral or Bacterial Infection

-Addison s Disease


-Electrolyte Imbalance

-Lyme Disease

-Celic Disease


-Food Allergies



-Nutritional Deficiencies


-Vitamin B12

-Iron Levels /serum iron and Ferritin Levels

-d3 levels

so far i have found these are connected to getting POTS

is any 1 willing 2 add anything they might have heard?

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- use of beta blockers

- benzodiazepine withdrawal

- Chiari malformation

- cardiac atrophy (Grinch syndrome :( )

- diabetes

- mast cells activation disorders

- thyroid problems

- the nutcracker phenomenon

- pheochromocytomas

- exposure to certain chemicals (see Gulf War syndrome)

- cervical stenosis

I believe there is a comprehensive list of possible POTS causes somewhere on Dinet


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I love this post! However can anyone tell me what doctor checks for a NET Defiency?

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