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Leg symptoms on walking . . .any ideas?

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Hi everyone. A few years ago, I used to walk 1 hour per day at only 2 mph (very slow). I noticed that after 50 minutes both legs began to have shooting sensations that felt cold. Like a cold stream suddenly shooting up and down the legs. They started in the lower legs but if I kept walking, they spread to the upper legs. When I quit walking, they stopped. The sensations are not painful, just strangly odd feeling and can get extremely bothersome if I continue.

Due to my POTS, my walking time has decreased since then. Now I can walk about 40 minutes at most and sometimes the "shooters: will start near the end of the 40 minutes on the treadmill.

Yesterday, I walked only about 20 minutes outside. As I walked up a hill, the "shooters" started. Sometimes they will start in a store if I have been on my feet for awhile.

In the past I have asked a cardiologist, my primary care Dr., and Dr. Grubb what they are. All three replied they did not know and they did not recommend any tests.

Any ideas? I have heard of caudication of the legs that causes pain on walking. This is not painful, but it is very bothersome and a very strange sensation and definitely NOT normal.

Any thoughts are appreciated.

Michigan Jan

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Speaking as a former exeercise phys, have you tried stopping and stretching? Alot of times there is some problem with the blood flow to the muscles, and stretching helps alot. :) If that doesn't help let me know, there are other options but this is the first try. Miriam

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I am not sure what its all about either. I do have what you are talking about but mine has turned into being very painful. Instead of the cold popping feeling it now is shooting sharp pains and muscles cramping. This may not be related to pOTS at all, at least thats what my neuro said. Hes waiting to see if I have parkinsons or some type of muscular dystrophy as I also seem to have muscle deteroration.

I have heard the feelings you are having is due to the blood not flowing correctly. I am not sure but hope you get answers. Keep exercising though as you want to keep in shape, helps the pots. Best wishes,


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Claudication is actual cramping from poor circulation. It sounds like a nerve thing, like they get irritated when you walk or something. I've never had that, but my feet really swell and my legs turn to rubber when I walk. It's a little interesting that it's not painful. GOOD, but interesting. Sorry I can't be of more help. morgan

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Thank you for the suggestion. I have not tried stretching. But I will try it. How might stretching help?

At first I was worried that I might have blockages in my legs . . . I have heard of claudication. However, all 3 docs I asked simply said they didn't know what it is and none of them suggested tests, so I figured my symptoms are not like that of the pain caused by the blockage.

Sure wish I understood it, though.

Michigan Jan

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:lol: Stretching helps us by extending the muscles, ideally afterwarm up. Walking 2-3 min. Some stretches also strengthen our muscles andmove the blood from the lower extremeties. The other thing it does is give the blood a chance to move so we don't get light headed and falll down. Can connect with web site or snail mail my handouts. There are lef, ab exercises and stretching that all can be done in bed, it helps alot. Remember to never hold your breath, and to have smooth movements. Miriam
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