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Weird Heart Episodes


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I am wondering if anyone on this forum has experienced an episode like I have been experiencing for several years. It doesn’t happen often, but it has happened more times this year since I developed Dysautonomia. I have found it happens more often when I am lying in bed on my left side at night. I will get a feeling like blood is building up somewhere in my heart, and then all of a sudden it is released with great pressure. I usually lose my breath and cough. It doesn’t last long. The past couple of days I have been having mini episodes multiple times a day. I went to Canada (the cool dry air was wonderful) over Thanksgiving, and had some strange symptoms, and I have had a bit of a setback since I returned, so I am hoping that is what is causing it. I have been checked for mitral valve prolapse, so I am assuming that is not it.

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I get very symptomatic on my left side with pvc's and pac's.When I change positions (standing to sitting and sometimes sitting to standing) get a feeling of "overfilling" and really hard beats that are slower and def. take the breath out of me. Other than that i have no clue...sorry your going through a bad spell and I cant be more help....=(

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I get the same type of feeling although never thought to describe it as you have. Mine feels like my heart does a "flip-flop" in my chest, one or two powerful, deep, slow ba-bangs, and I can feel it in my throat and yes, it takes my breath away and I cough. After a few long, cleansing breaths, it kinda goes away. It is frightening though. Mostly it happens to me at night when I am on my left side, but I had it this morning once after I got up and was sitting checking my email. Now that I think of it, it happens more than not at night. Never have asked the dr. about it. I seems to me that maybe my heartrate goes too low and that is my body's way of telling my heart "hey!! wake up and pump!!" I'll definately ask the doctor about this the next time I'm in. This is the first time I've heard it explained this way and it seems exactly how I feel sometimes. Sorry, I can't help, but I'm going to keep checking back just in case someone knows what this is and what is causing it. Feel better :)

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I get something like that, though I would describe mine as more of a strong palpitation. I get a lot of little palps, but sometimes I get big ones that take my breath away and make me cough. I've been worked up with multiple EKGs, Echocardiograms, and 24 hour holtor monitors and they didn't find anything. I wish I knew what causes it too, it is pretty scary.

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Sure sounds like some type of arrhythmia (irregular heart beat or rhythm) - probably positional - different nerve pathways are stimulated by certain positions and it sounds like you have found the position that causes a problem. We all have irregular beats from time to time - dysautonomia that involves the heart can cause some "funny looking rhythms" - (a profound medical term!) - I have a pacemaker and the cardiologist can pull off the pacer a record of irregular rhythms - the thumps, bumps, jumps, and weird chest sensations are funny extra beats and at times, a run of irregular heart beat/rhythm - no real treatment indicated unless you are symptomatic - just ask the MD......

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I also have issues with laying on my left side - so much so that I haven't slept on that side in a year. I've never been able to really isolate what the feeling is other than that it just feels wrong - like things are not functioning properly. I briefly mentioned it to my internist once, but there were soo many things going on at the time, it didn't really get a focus of attention. I did have mild mitral regurgitation on my echo (and I was examined laying on my left side), so I guess that maybe what the issue is ?!? Hmm, I'm curious now that I hear so many of you describing it and interesting to think that it could be connected to nerve pathways (E Soskis).

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