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Which kind of autonomic failure?

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I've been doing a lot of reading the last few days, but the crash course leaves me a rather confused, since many of the symptoms for the various types of autonomic disorders are similar. Is there any way to tell the difference between simple POTS, Pure Autonomic Failure (which sounds like a degenrative problem), Vasovagal synocope, etc?

Any insight will be much appreciated. I know I need a specialist to assess this, but I don't have one yet. (That will be my next question :) )


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Most of them overlap, so it can be quite difficult to assess exactly, but the treatments all seem to be about the same, so guess it's not so important to know exactly as long as you're in the ballpark. (I may hear a few rejections of this notion, but alas, i won't be bothered by it) :) morgan

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I would agree with morgan.

All I ever had was the TTT. I never went on for more detailed testing to determine what kind of POTS or autonomic dysfunction I have. Regardless of the results of these tests, the treatments are essentially the same, and all you are doing is treating symptoms.

I am not discouraging anyone from doing more testing, if it gives them peace of mind, or if they want to contribute to research, certainly! Unfortunately knowledge has not progressed to the point that there is a specific medication for a specific "kind" of POTS, nor have probably all classes of POTS been identified and defined at this point.

One thing my specialist found helpful was that when my symptoms were very bad, I kept a log of them and also my bp and hr sitting and standing in the AM and PM. That kind of information can help determine what meds might be useful.

If you are young (child - age 55) and female, it is far more likely that you have primary POTS or POTS caused by EDS than any kind of degenerative disease.


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I would agree with morgan.

All I ever had was the TTT. I never went on for more detailed testing to determine what kind of POTS or autonomic dysfunction I have. Regardless of the results of these tests, the treatments are essentially the same, and all you are doing is treating symptoms.

I am not discouraging anyone from doing more testing, if it gives them peace of mind, or if they want to contribute to research, certainly! Unfortunately knowledge has not progressed to the point that there is a specific medication for a specific "kind" of POTS, nor have probably all classes of POTS been identified and defined at this point.

One thing my specialist found helpful was that when my symptoms were very bad, I kept a log of them and also my bp and hr sitting and standing in the AM and PM. That kind of information can help determine what meds might be useful.

If you are young (child - age 55) and female, it is far more likely that you have primary POTS or POTS caused by EDS than any kind of degenerative disease.


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