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Anti Seizure Meds


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In the past I had an abnormal EEG and I am wondering why type of anti seizure meds people on this forum are on. My mom had TENS from two of the meds she was on (neurontin and depakote) so those are out of the question.

Aside from abnormal EEG I suffer a weird abdominal feeling and near syncope. It feels like I am on an elevator going up and down or a roller coaster. I do suffer from migraines and anxiety so maybe these could be causing the symptoms too..?

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Hi Jacquie, sorry you don't feel well. I had an abnormal EEG as well and I feel those feelings that you described about the elevator. I was given neurotin actually and It made my blood pressure go high so I stopped, they enver gave me anything else to try, said that I should try neurotonin again. What is TENS?

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TENS is a severe form of Steven Johnson Syndrome. It's a severe life threatening reaction. My mom got it from anticonvulsants, so I am very limited with what I can try.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi all. I am a recently diagnosed POTS patient and haven't had many neurological symptoms but consequently have had little testing in that area. My mom also has epilepsy and takes depicote for it and I just found it an interesting coincidence. Have any of your doctors found any correlation between your parents condition and any of your symptoms? Are there certain neuro-test that would be valuable to check for any related problems?


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I have had an abnormal EEG and suffer from migaines and my Dr has me on Zonegran it has really helped. He had to increase it till I got to the right dose but now I do faily well. .

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