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So Tired And Near Fainting All The Time


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On top of my gastroparesis getting much worse and on an all liquid diet..again, I am so very tired. Not the usual tired, like a wave of heaviness over my head and body. Feel so weak. Friday I came very close to fainting. Threw up a few times. Stomach is huge and not working very well. But the dysautonomia is getting worse to I think. The physical pain is different than my usual fibromyalgia. Dropping things all the time. Knees buckling.

I go to Vandy in Jan. Hope I can figure out what is going on with me. I get scared often , things are getting worse.

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I hope vandy will be abel to help u too. I know one whit fibro that also have periods that she doesnt walk straith, cant hold on to stuff and bigg issues whit food. But then she will hae better time. I hope that will be the case for u. Its not fun when the body trow u for a loop and twist stuff upp even more.

best of luck and a bigg hug from me

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I'm sorry you are having such a hard time. I developed gastroparesis about a year ago, and it made my POTS a hundred times worse. I spent a lot of time in the hospital because I felt like I was constantly losing consciousness. I was also receiving TPN through a PICC line until I asked my doctor to prescribe domperidone for me. I don't know if that is something that you've tried, but it was a miracle drug for my gastroparesis.

Hope you find some relief very soon.

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Thanks everyone. I have not tried Domperidone. My motiltiy dr. didn't suggest it after I had a bad reaction to reglan. So glad it is helping you Jen.

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