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Muscle Twitching Underneath Eyes


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I always get this when I get very tired or am very stressed - it is a little fluttery twitch that is barely noticable to anyone else but, feels like I'm winking at everyone that walks by! It eventually gets better for me after a few days of rest and reduction in stress level. I kind of use it as my check and balance - if I'm twitching more than usual, I need to do something to get more rest or reduce stress.....

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I have been having twitches with my legs, feet, arms and hands. The twitching was one of my first symptoms 4 years back before all the rest of the stuff. Not sure what connection it has? This week the twitching was much worse and I also was feeling more out of it, with a dull / strange feeling headache. That's why I wondered if they are possibly migraine related for myself. Haven't been diagnosed with migraines yet though.

I should say that today the twitching isn't as bad and I feel better overall.. only difference is I took a Complex B vitamin today. They looked at my B levels and they were fine, but wonder if that has anything to do with it??

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I get the twitching around my eyes and also in a muscle in my middle ear which makes my eardrum flutter. It's all a bit annoying. As other have said I get these twitches when I am tired, stressed, and/or when I am about to get a migraine (especially the ear twitching.) I have not yet found anything that helps it other than getting rest.

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I always get this when my symptoms are worse! It is also worse with worse symptoms. And it is lower eyelid, not upper. My symptoms are worse with lack of sleep as someone mentioned above affecting the eyelid thing. This seems very interesting to me. I also started gettng a lot of eye styes, which I thought might be some allergy ( though I do not get allergies much ) or maybe caused by the twitching. All I know is I did not have them before. They do not hurt anything.

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