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Beta Blocker As Needed


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Just wondering if anyone takes a beta blocker as needed. There are days where I am tachy and need a beta blocker. However, on the days where I do not have tachy the beta blocker seems to make me feel worse...

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Agree with MomtoGiuliana - my cardiologist said it was okay (she just pointed out that I could take a dose as needed, but I am on a maintenance dose too, so it may be different), but obviously it may depend on which beta blocker you take and how much and so on. Definitely ask, but it's an option for some folks.

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it is complicated. I was on atenolol every day and weaned off and now I take BBs only as needed. It also depends which beta you are on, but generally you're not supposed to yoyo on and off. You have to make a choice - either take it every day or only once in a while. It can also be dangerous to stop abruptly. Your doctor can help you figure out what's best for you.

I feel much much better now that I am taking Paxil every day instead of atenolol. BBs were very helpful for me at my worst, but really made me tired. They still work well as needed to help me out of a flare.

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Even low doses of beta blockers cause significant drops in my Bp. Not sure how else I can get tachy under control..

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Calcium channel blockers (specifically diltiazem) helped me stop the tachycardia, although they didn't do much for the other orthostatic symptoms (and seemed to slightly worsen my other symptoms, actually). My cardiologist originally prescribed them due to concerns about betas and mood disorders (since I'm bipolar), but betas are better for me. Something to look into?

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