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Moving Cross Country


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We are packing up the house right now getting ready to move on the 10th of november. we are moving from wi to az. Right now I can only pack a couple boxes then have to lay down for a while.I am having a real hard time functioning and it has been like this for the last month or so since i had pnemonia. I still havent recovered from that what so ever.any tips on the long drive and all the fun stuff that comes along with all this? I did a lot better in hotter dry climate this last summer and I lived in az for 16 years before I got out here 6 years ago and pots kicked my butt. I know I have had a lot of my health problems for most of my life and I am hoping the change to havasu improves my quality of life. Right now i am bed /couch ridden again.... thank you, kim

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  • 3 weeks later...

thank you! i actually feel some improvement since getting out here in az so i am very hopefull on my quality of life getting better!

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