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For years, I've been aware that discussions on nitric oxide have circled DINET, but I admit I couldn't get past a biochemistry wall I had put up, so never made it my priority to learn all I can about it.

As my brain fog has slowly cleared, I can see it's importance, so am now digging in. Last week, I had an opportunity to attend a wellness conference where Dr Nathan Bryan, PhD, spoke on nitric oxide deficiency and its effect on disease. He holds innate expertise on nitric oxide and has worked with two different teams who both have been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize while laying the scientific foundation for nitric oxide in chronic illness. Dr Bryan has spent the past 12 years on research to diagnose NO insufficiency and natural strategies to restore NO production. His bio looks impressive.

I am not endorsing or recommending this product, but wanted to share what I learned at this conference through summarizing my notes. I have zero background or understanding of NO, beside what I have casually learned on DINET, so please be gentle. :) I hope our NO gurus will synthesize my notes and give us your thoughts.

Dr Bryan stated emphatically that loss of NO production = disease, and he listed CV disease, HTN, thromboses, Alzheimers, Erectile Dysfunction, Peripheral Arterial Disease, immune dysfunction, cancer proliferation, diabetes, neurologic impairment, and many more.

He stated that if there is impairment of endothelium (which is extremely common in chronicly ill), then NO can't be produced, and then this causes signaling issues and causes a chicken and egg scenario. Since NO is crucial for glucose clearance, he stated that they have proven that if you restore NO, than you can eliminate disorders, and he specifically mentioned Type 2 Diabetes.

He cautioned that PPIs are the absolute worst thing for chronically ill patients, as the loss of stomach acid WILL disrupt NO production.

He mentioned that L-arginine is a precurser to NO, but that if there is endothelial dysfunction, the broken pathway must be fixed first before the NO will be made.

He mentioned that kale, swiss chard, arugula, and spinach all have high levels of NO, with kale leading the pack, and pommegranite juice, beet root juice, and red wine all raises NO in the body, as long as all the biochemical pathways are open.

He has spent 7 years working on a supplement and recently his employer, UT Houston Medical School, has patented and leased this research to a company to manufacture Neo40 Daily, the first supplement to directly raise NO levels in the body. Since NO is gone within 1 sec on the body, they had to overcome many odds to find a delivery system to get this supplement to a cell that can start the chain reaction and deliver it where it needs to go. They stated this product is all natural, shows no intolerance, and provides drug-like results.

In their trials, they have been able to make marked improvement in BP within 30 days and several patients have come off of 5-8 BP meds. He mentioned this supplement has ben shown to increase blood vessel diameter and increase circulation. He showed us thermography pictures of a man with severe Raynauds before and 30 minutes after one dose and there was am amazing change with marked visualization of fingers, not seen on pre-image.

He showed heart images of a man with significant LV hypertrophy and how the NO supplementation decreased the heart size to normal within a year. He shared another case of a man with 213/88 BP in the ED, and within 30 minutes and one pill the BP went down to 188/85 and 30 minutes after another pill, the BP settled in at 140/80.

They originally wanted to give this out to suspected MI patients in a clinical trial through the Houston EMS, but the FDA then wanted to call it a drug, as supplements can't cure, diagnose or treat illness, triggering that it needed to go through the current 10-15 year drug pathway to come to market. The company then decided to continue studying it this way and bring it to market as a supplement, since it was all natural, had no intolerance effects and had trials and scientific date to it up. He mentioned that Harvard Brigham and Women's has just released some research on it's efficiacy.

Now here is the cool thing. They had a test which could determine your current NO levels on site. I just put a teststrip in my mouth for 15 seconds and compared the strip against the board. As easy as a urine dip or using pH strip. White or light pick meant non-existent NO, medium pink meant low and dark pink meant normal amounts of NO.

Anyone ever heard of this test? Has anyone who is up on nitric oxide familiar with any of this? Is anyone taking this supplement? Here is the link to the product as well as published journals articles, book chapters and other references to support all this.


Would love to hear your thoughts on this. Thanks so much.



Not everyone with POTS has low NO. In fact, I'd venture to say - more have too much NO. NO dilates the blood vessels and increases blood flow. With some of us HyperPOTS people this is a good thing and we need the vasodilation as for some reason we seem to have constricted blood vessels. But, for those that midodrine helps - that constricts the blood vessels - the general idea is those people may have too much NO and that is causing their blood vessels to be too dilated. (Of course, there are very limited studies on NO and POTS.) I found out the hard way with an ER visit that I needed more NO - by nitroglycerin helping me with a mast cell attack issue to my heart.

But, one other thing I've found out ---is----I'm not to take l-arginine because my body doesn't break down some of the proteins correctly and instead of it giving me a boost of NO and helping me ---it makes me sicker and turns into a free radical. The Citrulline in this product is the break down of l-arginine - not sure if it being broken down would make a difference - if your body didn't have to break it down to the end product ---or not. But, this works similar to l-arginine and will increase NO. There are other ways to increase NO - however. This product has Vit C and I think all of us need that with faulty blood vessel function. It will strengthen the veins and that can only help us. The type of B-12 used is the wrong kind if there are methylation pathway issues. Some of us will have too much B-12 circulating in our veins and our cells not take it up and use it properly. It's better to have the methyl-type and then - supposedly - we will use what we take in better. Hawthorne has been around and spoken of quite a bit. It is like a calcium channel blocker and works very similar. It will however, also dilate the veins. For some of us that need this ---it may be okay. (I found that it caused me to have pretty bad edema.) But, for others it will be a disaster. It lowers the blood pressure --considerably. Some really don't need to lower their blood pressure and have more dilated veins.

So, I do believe that NO plays a part with us in POTS ---but, we have people on both ends of the stick on this one. Those that need more and those that probably need less.

Hope this helps a little.



I wonder how this differs from the work done by Nobel Laureate in Medicine Dr. Lou Ignarro and his product "Niteworks". My son drinks Niteworks every night before going to bed. He thinks it helps him sleep better.


I was looking into research on Nitric Oxide when I came on this site, and it is very complex. As it is not understood I guess my personal philosophy is if it works great.

Issie pointed out a few of the things regarding it above. Beet root juice was effective rapidly for me in feeling better but left me feeling worse later. Consistent with a hyperadrenergic ( or constricted vessals) presentation improving with something that expands the vessal, but only briefly with a rebound. Thus I have 2 left over bottles.

I know there are 3 different types of nitric oxide and that it is what expands the blood vessals. Hence inflamatory nitric oxide is used in the bodies response to a believed invader to expand the vessals.

When does this product come out?


Beet root juice was effective rapidly for me in feeling better but left me feeling worse later. Consistent with a hyperadrenergic ( or constricted vessals) presentation improving with something that expands the vessal, but only briefly with a rebound. Thus I have 2 left over bottles.

When does this product come out?

Awwwww, POTLUCK ---now YOU are not eating your Beets. :) (Sorry, couldn't resist. Private joke between the two of us.)


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