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H. Pylori ?


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Does anyone have it? My symptoms are so similar to people with H Pylori but I was tested last year during an endoscopy and it was negative. Also, once you have it wil it only go away with medication? Thanks! :)

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I always feel like I have the condition. I have the symptoms and most of the time when I have an endoscopy, I have gastritis. I don't drink alcohol or take NSAIDS, so there is really no explanation why I always have it, except that h. pylori is another cause of gastritis. But, my tests always turn out negative, too. Sometimes I wonder if the tests are just plain missing it.

The meds will most likely get rid of it, but from what I understand, it can come back and you'll need another round of meds.

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Sue; I am like you....constantly fight with gastritis (dealing with a very bad flare now :(....) and on my last scope the pathology showed large reactive lymphoid aggregates but not H Pylori....my MCAS specialist feels this symptom is likely tied in to the mast cell issues....either way it is NOT fun!!


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Brethor, I was wondering about lymphocytes in gastritis and after looking around on it, saw in many places that they can be part of the gastritis in celiac disease. I had no idea people with celiac could/would have gastritis. I am so used to knowing that celiac people have issues with their small intestine.

I have had gastritis (documented) from 3 different scopes over the last 12 years. Always negative for h. pylori, and I don't use the other factors. So, I always wondered why in the heck do I keep having this?! Now I wonder about celiac, as I have had the elevated antibody for it, but a negative biopsy for it.

Anyone else here with gastritis like me and have a hint of possible celiac through testing or diet change?

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Sue; That is interesting! when I first became ill 5 years ago I was tested for Celiac and the anti-gliadin antibodies came back slightly elevated and I was told by one specialist that it was Celiac but then told by another that because it was only a slight elevation it was irrelevant. 3 years after that I had a colonoscopy and endoscopy which showed the reactive lymphoid aggregates and lots of inflammation but the biopsies were negative. I have had several other specialists say it still could be Celiac so I finally went gluten free anyway and have definately noticed a difference.


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That's the same antibody I had high---the deaminated anti-gliadin. Mine was 4x the upper limit, yet they told me I did not have celiac.

I have been bloated for a month, so 5 days ago I went absolute gluten-free, and my stomach cleared up! I really do think I have it, and have been "trying" to be gluten-free for a year, but I backslid a month ago and ate some cake a couple of times. I believe the large floury desserts really caught up with my stomach and I ended up badly bloated.

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