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Which Was The Best Antidepressant You Used?


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My GP insists that i take antidepressants to alleviate my symptoms.These days POTS is gone which should make me have a party but unfortunately my GI problems and respiratory/allergy issues are a huge problem at the moment.Though i insisted that i am not depressed the doc suggested that these problems are functional and not pathological and she feeel that fluoxetine might help(LADOSE)I've taken it before but i was hoping that i didn't have as i am considering having a baby this year.I really don't know what to do.On one hand i desperately need to feel better and sleep like a human being again(i sleep maximum 5 hours and during those i wake up with numbness and difficulty breathing)On the other hand if i choose this path i might have to postpone baby plans for another year. :(

Anyway,i know that lots of people in the forum take antidepressants.Have they helped in alleviating your symptoms(like GERD,asthma,IBS,and pots related symptoms?)Which one worked for you best.Thank you once again for your invaluable advice.I honestly don't know what i'd do without the people from this forum.

Have a lovely week everyone.

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Elena, when I first got sick I tried Paxil and Lexapro. They both seemed to help retrain my autonomic system in a sense but eventually stopped working or the side effects were too much left me feeling restless. Now, im currently not taking anything but if i were to get bad again I would reconsider these but I think its really an individual thing of which one works for you.

Also, what I did want to mention is that I am currently 31 weeks pregnant and my GI symptoms have never been better. Before getting pregnant, IBS and GERD were probably my two worst symptoms (well besides tachycardia which remains but is tolerable) sometimes unbearable that I didn't want to leave the house to go do stuff. Pregnancy changed all of that and I am not sure why but it has really been a plus. I just thought I'd throw that out there because you mentioned you were thinking of having kids soon.

Whatever you decide, I hope you find something that works for you and mention your concerns to your doctor because you may find a solution that is best for all your needs.

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Sweet Elana ~

You have been on my mind....I have never been able to have an antidepressant work for me...All SSRI's give me terrible, vivid, nightmares. All the others just made me fat and my doctor decided to stop putting me on them ever again due to my sensitive system.... I read online that the best thing for depression is looking at pictures of people you love. I try to have a slide show of the ones I love and things I love going as much as possible. I find that stimulates me to smile and laugh. I also try to video chat as much as possible those I love also. Maybe we can set up a time to do a video chat soon.

I know this isn't for everyone, and I hope you find what works for you. I'm trying to do as many non meds things as I can, because of the possible mito and cpt1 of the co2 chain.

Sending you and your family lots of love,

Bellamia ~

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I'm on Prozac right now and it seems to be helping so far. I have been on almost everything out there in the last 8 years. Either doesn't work or adverse reaction. When we find something we try to stick with it. I've been on Prozac for over 1 1/2 years so far. Longest of any anti-depressant.

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@Jackiexoxo:Hi Jackie.I am so happy to hear that you are doing so well with your pregnacy.Yes,i am still interested in having a baby but i need to feel my body strong before we start trying because at the moment i am exhausted.Hopefully in a couple of months i ll be better because i will start homeopathy and yoga.(trying to find solutions in alternative treatments now)

@Bella:Hi dear!you always have such wonderful ideas.I'd love to talk to you on Skype.i'll email you my skype address.xoxoxoxoxo

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I used to take Lexapro. It helped me with my POTS> I had side effects - insomnia, night sweats and vivid dreams, but I would have stayed with it if not for the 20 lbs I gained in 10 months. I switched to Effexor now, and I am still working on getting the dose right. It seems that when the dose was too low, I started feeling POTSy right away.

Interestingly, I am also thinking about trying to have another baby, but I am nervous about how my body will handle it.

According to my doctor, she checked with a psychiatrist, and while "officially" the FDA considers most SSRIs category C - which means not enough research was done, statistically they are really OK to take while pregnant. THe main issue is that the baby experiences withdrawal symptoms the first few days after they are born. For the record, have a 9 year old son and I took an SSRI while pregnant with him (no one warned me against it) and he is fine. He did cry a lot the firs tfew days, and we didn't know why...

Of course, ask your doctor, don't rely on me!

Hope you feel well soon!


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