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Long Shot - Dental Problems?


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Weird question. Since my recent regression, I have random pains in my teeth/gums that move all over the place. I went to the dentist, and he saw no cavities where I am feeling the pain. Extremely strange and I was wondering if this could have anything to do with POTS... I know its a long shot. :wacko: .



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I don't think it's necessarily a long shot; a lot of us have TMJ, and it can cause a wide range of dental symptoms including "phantom" tooth and gum pain. In fact, I once had a wisdom tooth removed becasue the dentist and I were convinced that it was causing my severe jaw and mouth pain. Guess what? 12 years later, the pain is still there more often than not; I've since learned a lot more about TMJ, and it's a sneaky condition that can masquerade as many things as it can affect vision and hearing as well. All part of our wacky circus of symptoms!

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My dentist told me my meds make my mouth dry and that affects my gums and I get pain and I aqlso have TMJ. Which causes a lot of pain in the mouth and headackes.

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I JUST figured out that sometimes acidic foods like pineapple, lemons, etc make my teeth and gums hurt for a few days after eating these. I'm avoiding these foods right now and will re-test these when I get the chance. It could be that I just need to rinse my mouth out after eating these.

I used to get weird mouth pains in my mouth when I was eating gluten all the time tho. Gluten is just poison to my body ... tc ... d

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My pots was triggered by a root canal following an abscessed tooth. I have since had dental fillings that caused a severe relapse. I know of several others who have had dental difficulties. For me there is something involving my trigeminal nerve as when my myofacial pain is at it's worst I can feel throbbing down all three branches of the nerve. (chin, upper jaw, behind the eye)

I agree with above, I think it is a POTS thing- my best guess is that any invasive measure near that nerve releases an abnormal level of histamine causing havoc. The area around both my root canal and fillings ache and have parasthesia on and off. The more symptomatic I am, the more likely I have pain in those areas.

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I recently saw a homeopathic doctor who recommends Oil Pulling. I'm too tired to explain it, but if you do an Internet search there are a ton of people who swear by it for a whole ton of problems, not just dental. I had a hard time getting used to it, but I intend to try it again soon. My teeth looked immediately whiter though!

...and I also have TMJ. It's a pain in my neck, literally.

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