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Leg Pain


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They say the worst job for a person with POTS is sitting all day and I work as a computer programmer so I get the worst leg pains (in the back behind the knees). I try to get up and walk around which helps the pain until about 1 minute after sitting back down. I am constantly moving the positions of my legs but nothing helps. Does anyone have any remedies for this? It fricking hurts!!

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Thanks Naomi, I get those pains at night too where I can't sleep because I am constantly moving my legs in different positions. I thought about the compression stockings, maybe I'll try those. Today was rough, I was pretty miserable!!

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I have leg pains and arm pains too but wonder if they are different/similar. Mine are more tingling sensations that result in dull deep aches. It is as if the blood is simply not flowing in those peripheral areas. Sometimes I'll wake up with legs that are "dead" meaning I can move them but can barely feel anything then th blood comes back in (like sharp needles) as I start to move. It is painful and a little scary. Twice in the last 2 weeks I have awakened w 2 dead arms.

This same pain/ sensation happens frequently during the day. Sometimes when I move them it helps but sometimes it doesn't matter. Yesterday I had these pains all on the right side of my body.

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Count me in. Leg pains, arms too. They come and go very randomly mainly when I lay down. On top of that I get a "sunburned" kind of feeling in my legs and feet every now and then. No idea as to what causes any of these. My dr shrug his shoulders and recommended tylenol. For a while I used an EMS/TENS unit and it helped quite a bit. I have read about people using their units even at work - they are not exactly impossible to conceal, but I guess it's a matter of personal choice.


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Holy cow Kellysavedbygace that is EXACTLY what it feels like and I always get it in the joints and always on the right side (sometimes it will be in the left to but always on the right). It's always right behind the knees and/or right where your elbow bends, on the inside.

A lot of times it's when I'm sitting at my desk at work and sometimes it's when I'm lying in bed.

alex74alex - Oh I love doctors HA! My boss is REALLY understanding so i'm sure she wouldn't mind.

Thanks to everyone!!

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My chronic bilateral leg pain is my chief symptom diminishing my quality of life…. Sitting and sleeping in bed only exacerbates the pain. I sit all day too at a desk. It’s a burning pain in my feet, calves, hamstring and butt. Sometimes getting out of bed it feels like I am walking barefoot on marbles. For a year and half I tried to find the cause through an extensive medical workup….countless doctors.. Finally I had - QSWART which detected Small Fiber Neuropathy SFN. SFN most probably associated with the positive calcium channel AB that I have. I am desperately looking for some relief to my neuropathic pain.

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