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Dysautonomia And Reduced Libido In Men


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Can any male dysautonomics comments on their libido? Normal, increased, or reduced since dysautonomia set in?

Reduced libido may not be the right word for what i'm experiencing:

I have finally been feeling well enough that I've started dating, but not really feeling any enthusiasm for any of the smart, pretty, ladies I've been out with. It's mysterious and frustrating, because the ladies seem to notice too - half the time I tell these highly desirable women "I just don't feel it going anywhere between us" and half the time, after a few dates THEY TELL ME they don't want to see me again because 'we don't have any chemistry."

I have enough energy and motivation that I want to date and start having relationships again, but I don't seem to have any enthusiasm. (I already used that word). I don't find women exciting or interesting from a male perspective anymore.

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Okay, I know this is supposed to be a male subject thread . . .but, I might have some ideas. I wonder if there isn't an excess estrogen problem. It doesn't matter if your testosterone is in the normal range ---if there is too much estrogen ---there is an estrogen dominance problem. I have wondered that about women too. I've brought it up to a few of the guys I write (PM's) because I think it may be part of the problem. (Of course, me into alternative things ---I know of some things that might help this.) Life Extension has recommendations, if this is the problem ---you can look it up yourself.

The other possibility is adrenal function problems - maybe DHEA levels. As we age, this goes down. We know (at the least assume) there is "SOMETHING" going on with our adrenals. I mean how could there not be. It just eludes testing for most of us. If there is a conversion issue in that particular pathway ----pregnenolone on . ...there may be some place in the line that is depleted.

Another possibility ---subconscious ---you're just not "into" them either :wub: LOL :P


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  • 1 month later...

My libido is definitely down. I could speculate it's because I spend more time thinking about my health problems than I do about sex. It doesn't help that sexual activity brings on symptoms (especially palpitations). It'd be hard to imagine an increased libido when you don't feel very good. I do find women just as exciting and interesting, though.

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I've had this since childhood and my libido has alway been way below that of my friends.

Think it's a combination of poor circulation and the constant activation of the Sympathetic Nervous System which over rides the Parasympathetic. The PNS is responsible for arousal and desire from what i've read, and the SNS is for ejaculation.

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