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Can A Beta Blocker Increase Heart Rate?


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This is a random thought I have been having, but can a beta blocker cause tachycardia? My thinking has been that tachycardia is generally a response to a drop in blood pressure to maintain equilibrium. Because beta blockers decrease blood pressure, can they cause an increase in heart rate if that blood pressure drop is too great? My pots symptoms have in general been very good lately. My tachycardia upon standing however, has been considerably worse within an hour or two of taking my daily dose of toprol. have also been dealing with increased shortness of breath and lightheadedness lately. It is almost as if my body is healing and the toprol is becoming a hindrance. Sorry if this question is totally dumb.

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All beta blocker act on beta 1 receptors (non-cardioselective beta blockers also act on beta 2 receptors). Beta 1 blockers have a variety of actions, the two most important ones are:

negative chronotropic effect - slowing down the heart rate

negative inotropic effect - decreasing the force with which the heart pumps blood (therefore lowering BP)

Generally these effects are fairly evenly balanced with the commonly prescribed beta blockers, however each person will have a slightly different chronotropic and inotropic reaction to any given drug. Also, there may be dose-dependent responses; the blood pressure lowering effects might be seen at a lower dose than the heart rate lowering effects.

Any time you lower blood pressure, your body will want to raise your heart rate and constrict your blood vessels in an attempt to compensate. If the beta blocker has not yet taken away your body's ability to increase your heart rate, this is exactly what it will do.

I hope this answered your question.

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