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Why Is Tachy So Much Worse Way After Exercise?


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Can anyone please tell me why i can manage to exercise how a fairly fit "normal" person would, however later on that evening say 4-5 hours, why do i have bad tachy and the horrible adrenalin surges you feel in your hands inparticular. Is this down to NET deficiency that is spoken about? Is it becuase there is still to much adrenalin spilling over into the blood that the body cant get rid of?

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I always wondered when I was able to exercise why i got sick hours after doing so, it doesn't make sense so if anyone knows that would be great! Like I have a delayed reaction.

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Exactly a delayed reaction, i have to be so careful because my body is used to having a stupidly high heart rate all the time, i could do on a good day a half hour -hour gym session but boy that night it could feel like i had an elephant sat on my chest, that happened when i had my stress test at the autonomic unit where they had me on a recliner bike, the nurse was saying to me "are you ok to keep going?" and i was like "sure piece of cake". After ten minutes they checked me over and i was fine and free to go, one hour later i am at the train station ready to go home and i could not get out of my seat, i could not breath, i could not see and my chest was tight and i was very frightened.

My lesson is i am slowly trying to build up on exercise, sitting on those power plates or using them for you arms or tummy is a great way to tone without your heart rate creeping up, in fact i will post on that, but obviously today i pushed my limits too far, and for me the only way to help with this is to take extra Klonopin.(this is not advice i am giving to anyone on here, this simply helps me in my own experience) How do others cope with this happening?

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Yep me too! I always feel like I get a delayed reaction to most things... ultrasound techs have told me that my bladder is a "delayed filler" and then I have to go a ton, I often sick way after others are, or react to a food much later etc. Frustrating because it makes it difficult to know what's causing what!

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Can anyone please tell me why i can manage to exercise how a fairly fit "normal" person would, however later on that evening say 4-5 hours, why do i have bad tachy and the horrible adrenalin surges you feel in your hands inparticular. Is this down to NET deficiency that is spoken about? Is it becuase there is still to much adrenalin spilling over into the blood that the body cant get rid of?
Can you tell me or explain to me what your hand symptoms are?? Thanks ~ T
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The feelings in my hands are like they are engourged with blood/ they tremour slightly and feel like i want to clench them tightly. I know it sounds very strange. Im wondering if you just pushed through these feeling and did intense exercise for a week or more if the body would re adjust. A little bit like a post thats just been written about exercise and heart rate.

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