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Is It Possible To Have A Flare Within A Flare???

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In a major flare for over 6 months and bedridden started to gradually have some decent days now back to my major flare and getting scared. What is the longest and worst flare anyone has made it out of??

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My longest flare was also my first; it was about 8 months, and I was a total wreck. Not bedridden, but close to it; mentally, I was exhausted and I seriously thought I would rather just go to sleep and not wake up many days. However, I gradually got much better even before meds and a diagnosis. I'm so sorry you're having this; my heart goes out to you. It will get better, I'm sure of it!

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I progressively got worse over a year, to the point of being couch ridden. At that point I wld get lightheaded, dizzy, SOB, nausea with any change in position. I had continuous chest pain....just like a heart attack for a month. And the fatigue was like I had the flu every day. I was hospitallized in June, diagnosed with dysautonomia( etiology unknown) put onFlurinef, Midodrine, 3 L fluid and now 10 gms salt. Now I have much less of all the above mentioned symptoms.

I can at least do a few household chores, walk a little and be upright most of the day, and I'm back to intermittent chest pains!

Maybe it's time for meds for you if your that far down?

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