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Chest Discomfort While Supine (Breathing/moving)

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This is so weird that I thought maybe I was being a hypochondriac about it so didn't mention it to my doc last week when I saw her...and I don't even know how to look it up. But it was happening last week when I was very symptomatic, and now it's not this week (and I'm feeling better), so er........... :blink:

Here's what it's like: when I was in bed and supine, if I stretched and breathed in at the same time, I felt a pain in my chest like I'm squishing my heart against my ribcage. I quickly stopped because, well, who wants to squish their heart, right? And so I told myself that maybe that's something I shouldn't do and is not anything abnormal. But I was also having trouble laying on my right side, especially if I had my left arm draped in front of me (so kinda rounding my back), as it also felt like I was squishing my heart; and/or there was a heaviness to my right side up in that cavity that I imagined was kinda like my heart leaning towards the bed (ie gravity pulling it), and it was so uncomfortable I couldn't lay on my right side. Laying on my left side sometimes was equally uncomfortable, so I spent a lot of time sleeping on my back last week. Last week, I experienced an abnormal, extreme episode of brain fog one day with low blood pressure most of the week.

This morning, however, I realized that I *could* stretch and breath without pain, and I *could* lay on my right side without that weird "squished" feeling inside. And so now I'm left wondering what it means! Any ideas?!

I'm still experiencing postural hypotension in the evenings but am otherwise feeling better. I've experienced a "squished" sensation before, but with my eyes. Several times in the past, I have fallen asleep while watching tv with my head on my dh's lap, and when I'd get up, the vision in the eye that was on his lap was blurry and would take some time to resolve, as if the nerves serving that eye had gotten "squished" from gravity. No scientific evidence to support my interpretation, just how I imagined maybe it was. I don't know if the two are related.....

Any thoughts? Now I know I'm not crazy, since this was a problem last week and isn't now, but I don't know how to even research it since I don't have a clue what it means! (And I HATE not being able to research a problem!!). Thanks!

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Friedbrain, I had chest pains like you described for 2 months before I was diagnosed with dysautonomia. Mine was always worse when I layed down, bad on my left side, then bad on my right side, and then continuous. During my work up we did an exercise stress test with pressure lines in my heart and arteries (Swan and Art Line). This showed that I had a 50% reduction in stoke volume from 3 months before. All of my pressures were low in my heart and did not respond correctly to exercise. I have been an endurance athlete for 20 yrs, I have no heart disease. So my theory for the chest pain, low blood volume getting to my heart.

My chest pain was relieved after 8 days in the hospital and starting Florinef, Midodrine, salt tabs, and tons of fluids. That was almost 2 months ago, I am maintaining the meds, 3 L of fluid per day, and attempting 10 gms Na per day. I only occasionally have the chest pain.

Hope this is helpfull. Don't think you will be able to find data to support my theory but maybe my data will help!

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