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Tried To Listen To Music And It Makes Me Symptomatic.

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Is anyone else not able to listen to music or watch tv without getting sick it makes me shakey and just not feel good. Why and what can you do about it?

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I have developed hyperacusis (verrrry sensitive hearing) since developing POTS. I have to be careful about going anyplace that will be too loud. I sometimes have to turn off the TV and just read a book or get on the computer because I need the quiet. I often can't listen to the radio in the car anymore because it is just too much. My stepfather is partially deaf and he cranks the TV up so loud that I often have to go to the place in the house that is farthest from where he is watching TV because it will make me sick (and he particularly likes WWII movies so all the guns and air raid syrons (sp?) are extra nauseating.) You could try getting ear plugs to blunt the noise and see if that allows you to listen without becoming symptomatic. Not much else can be done. -_-

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You know for me its one of the really annoying bad side effect to having POTs, when i listen to music i love it excites me, like most people, i like it loud and i like fast house music! But literally after 5 minutes i can look at my hands and they shake and my heart is racing, now someone tell me that anxiety and i will show them what a black eye look like, i am guessing this is to do with our sympathatic nervous system? Would my NE levels be higher do you think if they tested just after the music had stopped?

Katy i see you take Depakote for migraine, how have you done on it, I failed with CCB blockers, BB, and am now on Lyrica for a week but getting side effects. Can i ask how long you have been on it and how long did it take to begin to work?

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Same for me , I can listen..but if I start to turn it up , move to the music, really enjoy it I start to feel ill. This sort of thing drives me crazy.

I can watch TV but if it's a game where I care about the outcome, I start to get sick and urinate like crazy...why oh why??? It's hard to let out the emotions of dealing with this illness, when emotions make things worse..:(


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I had the same difficulty with music and TV. I would turn it up/down to the most tolerable level and try and breath thru the sound. I did not want the sound sensitivity to worsen - so as a desensitization exercise (which I read some place on this forum) I would lower the volume, dim the lights to tolerance. When I needed to shut down I would.....but then give it another hour or so and try again. At night my symptoms would lesson so I made a playlist of songs that in my past had brought me peace and I would play those to tolerance. It seemed like the next day was like starting over. But at some point the cycle seemed to break. Most days I can turn the radio on during my drive to work but just low and only certain sounds. Some days driving is nearly impossible and all I can do is pray I make it. I just roll with the changes, I guess.

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My sound sensitivity is so bad I constantly cover my left ear. I have no idea why only my left, but it makes me a lot less dizzy I have noticed. It is some sort of compensatory mechanism because most of the time I don't even realize I'm doing it. It makes me sad because I feel like such a weirdo!

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Depakote is working for my migraines (well, at least cutting the frequency and severity) and I have no side effects from it. One factor before you start taking it that you should consider is the likelyhood of becoming pregnant. It can cause severe birth defects. My doc made sure I wasn't in any jeopardy of becoming pregnant and said if I want to try at some point, that I need to get off the Depakote well before the possibility.


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