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I have received permission from the author of this Co-Cure message to post it here:

Date: 03/07/05 19:15:40

If there are any PWCs who have experienced abuses from their Long Term

Disability Carriers, I'd be greatly appreciative in hearing of same.

Abuses are to be inclusive of either being unfairly denied, paid late, or

only in part, or being abitrarily terminated, or harassed, etc. - via ERISA

or private policies, and via very, very short summary of your experience

(equavalent to no more than one half an 8x11 sized page - if I need more

information, I'll let you know) to be e-mailed to me privately (address


I absolutely will keep your contact info entirely confidental.

This is to support a presentation regarding LTD issues as my testimony for

the US CFS Advisory Committee, which reports to the new head of the HHS.

Although I do have a lot of expertise in this area over my many, many years

in Advocacy, there may be particular experiences that will be more

illustrative, or that I haven't heard of as yet (the more I've heard the

more I realize I haven't heard everything yet <BG>). Also, only if you have


an unusually difficult time obtaining SSDI, I'd like to know of this also.

What should be included:


City & State

e-mail address

LTD Company & very short synopsis of the LTD abuse (& ERISA or non)

Or SSDI issue

Please send synopsis to: tritt2@optonline.net

Deadline for inclusion is this presentation is March 11, Friday. If this is

not possible, I'll still be interested to gather more info thereafter. TIA

Appreciative Regards,


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