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For those of you who can't get disability but don't work, what do you do for money? We ended up moving in with my fiance's parents which is 8 people in a 3 bedroom, 1 bath house. Plus 5 dogs. Ugh We can't afford to move out with just his income, we did live on just his for about 7 years but have a truck payment now. I'm looking for things I can do from home. I started selling Scentsy but my parties are low. I'm hoping to boost that up soon. So I'm curious what everyone else does.

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The finances are SO hard.., when I left work I had a Long Term Disabilty plan so we were using that. But I have to apply for SSDI so if I get that my LTD only pays the difference between the two- So if LTD pays $1500 and Social Security pays $1000 then the LTD would still pay $500 to make it at least even to what they pay. I applied in Oct, for SSDI and haven't heard a thing so who knows. Everyone has prepared me to be denied because you usually are.

I also qualified for this program called Western Wisconsin Cares (I had never heard of them and never would have contacted them myself most likely) but I have a nurse and social worker. My social worker helps coordinate community resources and they pay for ll supplies, counseling, therapies I need right at home. They also pay someone to come in 40 hours a week. Well, because my hubby had lost his job when I was admitted to Mayo- they said he could do what he does now nd get paid. So for now- that's how we are managing but not long term. They only pay him $11.00/hr which is a lot less than either one of us were making- but please don't take it wrong- we are grateful it's there.

My situation still has me stuck in bed with multiple syncope a day because I crawl to the restroom or whatever and I faint even crawling but the injuries are less.

Good luck to you. Did you apply for disability and turned down? Like I said, lots of people are turned down initially Abd appeal and are successful.


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Jen thank you for the reply! I'm sorry you're stuck in bed, that has to be rough.

I did apply for SSI before I had a diagnosis and was denied. I'm still in the testing phase so I think I would get denied again until the severity is in my records. My fiance makes quite a bit for around here but we have 3 kids also. He makes just above the income limit for state assistance as far as food stamps and housing goes.

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I'm sorry, if you can't work maybe you can do other things to bring in money, sell things on Craigslist and EBay. I'm not sure how disabling your symptoms are but sometimes we can get lucky enough finding online work consulting in our field, I did that last spring before I accepted I was sick- I was still working too... I stayed in denial a long time!

Funny you mention you mention Scentcy. My sister Abd are going to start a business together. I think we are over saturated in our area but who knows. It's got to be hard living with your fiance's whole family whether you live them or nit. About 12 years ago, I came home from shopping when I lived with my X husband and had just had my third baby 3 weeks before. He "announced" that his parents, sister, and her 3 kids would be staying with us for a bit. That is just a teensy example as to why he's an X...


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It's hard, isn't it? I've been turned down once for disability (I'm in Canada), and am working on my information for reconsideration. We're managing right now, but everyone at my hubby's work has been cut back to .8 and it may go further. We have three little kids, and require someone to be with me all the time when I'm home with them. We've been incredibly blessed to have a local organization provide subsidized full time help for the past year and a half since our youngest was born, but that will end come September....and then (unless I am drastically better by then), we will have to hire someone fulltime out of our pocket. We're still not sure how that's going to work, but the only other option is putting the kids in full time daycare, which we don't want to do (especially because then I'd just be sitting at home by myself all day. I also run a little business selling kids items that I make. It mostly keeps me from going crazy with my physical limitations, but the extra money it brings in is also a help. Do you have any hobbies that could bring in some money?

I just wanted to mention, too, that Scentsy might be a bit hard on your system since everything is so fragrant! If it starts bothering you at all, please be careful :)

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