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Sight Of Food

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It definitely makes me feel sick. Lately though I have found that if I can manage to eat something I feel a little better. Yogurt usually.

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I get like this when I'm not well with my conditions, but worse, the feel of food in my mouth can make me sick. It's not the taste, smell, or anything else but the simple feel of the food. I don't know why I get like this, but it's happened a lot more frequently as my medical conditions have gotten worse, especially with foods that are creamy or smooth.

Anyone else get sick from the feel of food in your mouth? I can actually be hungry and have the food look and smell good, but then, when I start to chew, or with creamy food, once the food is swishing around in my mouth, I want to vomit. I have to get the food out of my mouth quickly and just drink water for awhile. Weird, huh?


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yep, for me the sight of food (in particular greasy or fatty foods in my case, probably as these are the hardest for me to digest) is far worse than the smell. was watching tv today and an advert came on with a close up of a guy eating some chinese chow mein noodles and i had to dash to the toilet as i had no bucket handy! my nose is also more sensitive to all smells, like the smell of cut flowers or the dishes soaking in the skin (that i cant normally smell). in my flares anything solid in my mouth makes me vomit, which i often forget and then put the back of my pen in my mouth or chew on a fingernail and end up retching. which can be rather embarrassing when i do it in public! :unsure:

my PoTS flares usually come with my gastroparesis flares so it makes sense that my body finds foods revolting- its at this time that i really cant eat certain foods and if i eat them i ended i getting pretty sick with awful food poisoning cos its been hanging around in my stomach too long.

i used to get sick with the sight of lots more foods before i stopped fighting with my tum and switched to eating a mainly liquidised diet, i used to go for days without eating anything and i found the longer i go without food the worse my sickness to the sight of food gets, i ended up not eating anything for a whole month and i had to really fight with myself to eat once the flare had eased off a little and i was then able to digest soft foods (this was pre-diagnosis when i had no meds or doctors to help), everything with a calorific value made me retch.... and to make that worse i really like the empty feeling that you get after you haven't eaten for 3 or 4 days so i now need to be super careful that i don't go for too long without ingesting something with a calorific value. at the moment i mainly eat baby foods (and foods of a similar consistency) but at least i'm taking in some nutrients and never getting that empty that i'd be tempted to not bother with my next meal or two (or more).

oddly now my body doesn't seem to class baby food (in baby food jars, packets etc) as 'food' as it doesn't make me feel sick when i open the jar and see the food.... i used to think it was the consistency of the food that was doing it but i feel sick when i see liquidised soups.... its very curious! :lol:

i'm very lucky to be able to digest baby foods in a flare, not all people with gastroparesis are, so i happily eat it even though its not the most palatable food source, just glad that i dont need to be tube fed at the moment. had a lot of people around me saying that i shouldnt eat it, i should eat 'adult' foods etc etc) but i'd like them to eat anything when they have a stomach virus- thats how i feel in a flare! that usually shuts them up! ;)

fi xx

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A few times the smell has made me hungry and excited me, and because of that quick change of emotion I felt dizzy and thought I might faint. There is something about that quick change of emotion that triggers me. I can be getting excited about a basketball game or worried feeling and I have increased symptoms.

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