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Top Half Of Vision Went Black After Dizzy Spell


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Hi group,

I was resting, recumbent, watching a movie when I had a dizzy spell and closed my eyes for a minute. When I opened them, the top half of my right eye was black - like a curtain had fallen. I could see below the curtain but not through the curtain of black.

I just started midodrine (2.5 mg in morning). Today was my fourth day. Googling side effects, I see that vision field changes and dizziness can be a problem.

When I google "vision went black", I read about all sorts of scary scenarios. My eyeball is tender but there is and was no pain.

I still feel lightheaded but dizziness lasted only seconds and black curtain maybe 2 minutes.

Any thoughts?

Many thanks


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If you've never had this before, I would definitely have it checked out soon. Of course, it very well could be related to the new midodrine, but having a doctor tell you it is fine would be good. 30 years ago I all the sudden had the outside visual fields of both eyes go black, that lasted for about 15 minutes. I was healthy as a horse, no POTS, but I had been taking my first dose of Clomid, a fertility drug. It was scary, and the eye doctor said everything checked out okay. It never happened again just like that, but, the few times I tried taking any birth control, I ended up with ocular migraines. So, for me, drugs that have hormones cause my eyes to do wierd things!

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Hi Chaos,

I cancelled the appt. I am broke from my trip to Dallas (and the speeding ticket!).

I have just enough for the copay and gas to see the balance disorder specialist. (I even had to cancel the MRI).

I am taking a baby aspirin twice a day until I see the specialist. Hopefully, he can check it for me.

It's a risk but I don't have a choice. If it happens again, I will borrow money from my mom but at 50 that gets old!

Thanks for asking,


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Understand about the being broke. Had to laugh when I saw about the speeding ticket. We drive to Mayo in Scottsdale every 3 months (about an 8 hour drive each way). So far my husband has gotten a speeding ticket just about every time. :P At this rate, it'd be cheaper to fly...except I don't do so well with flying.

Hope your eye doesn't flip out again!

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Hi Chaos,

I used to live in Mesa for a short while. Loved it there but didn't stay through the summer. 8 hours is a long way to see a doctor.

Funny thing is that when I tell people, they all know the exact spot - it is famous (but no one thought to remind me!)

I actually wasn't intentionally speeding - I thought it was 60 instead of 65 but I was looking at my Mapquest directions and my foot got heavier. Without realizing it, I was going 80! I am going to try to do a driving course but I still have to pay for that!

Oh, well!


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